Report: sources: citations with associated individuals, ordered by citation text

         Description: Bronnen: citaten met geaccossieerde personen, gerangschikt naar geciteerde tekst.

Matches 28001 to 28100 of 28268

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# Description sourceID eventID citetext Page Person ID Last Name First Name Living Tree
28001   S54  NAME  Record for Wentworth Hayes    I3685  HAYES  Wentworth  tree1 
28002   S1376  482729  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Author: New Hampshire. Probate Court (Strafford County); Probate Place: Strafford, New Hampshire  I3685  HAYES  Wentworth  tree1 
28003   S1376  NAME  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Author: New Hampshire. Probate Court (Strafford County); Probate Place: Strafford, New Hampshire  I3685  HAYES  Wentworth  tree1 
28004   S1578  482734  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3685  HAYES  Wentworth  tree1 
28005   S1578  482735  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3685  HAYES  Wentworth  tree1 
28006   S1578  NAME  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3685  HAYES  Wentworth  tree1 
28007   S1578  DEAT  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3690  WENTWORTH  Tamsen  tree1 
28008   S1578  NAME  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3690  WENTWORTH  Tamsen  tree1 
28009   S1578  BIRT  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3690  WENTWORTH  Tamsen  tree1 
28010   S1578  BURI  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3691  HAYES  John  tree1 
28011   S1578  482748  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3691  HAYES  John  tree1 
28012   S1578  482749  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3691  HAYES  John  tree1 
28013   S1578  482747  Record for Wentworth Hayes  Database online.  I3691  HAYES  John  tree1 
28014   S1578  DEAT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I368  CORBETT  Barbara  tree1 
28015   S1578  DEAT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I368  CORBETT  Barbara  tree1 
28016   S1578  BIRT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I368  CORBETT  Barbara  tree1 
28017   S1578  479271  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I368  CORBETT  Barbara  tree1 
28018   S1578  479271  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I368  CORBETT  Barbara  tree1 
28019   S1578  NAME  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I368  CORBETT  Barbara  tree1 
28020   S1578  BAPM  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I2065  CORBETT  William Gunn  tree1 
28021   S1578  BIRT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I2065  CORBETT  William Gunn  tree1 
28022   S1578  NAME  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I2065  CORBETT  William Gunn  tree1 
28023   S1578  BAPM  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I2066  SPENCER  Mary  tree1 
28024   S1578  NAME  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I2066  SPENCER  Mary  tree1 
28025   S1578  BIRT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I2066  SPENCER  Mary  tree1 
28026   S1578  BIRT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I6042  (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Murdock Corbett  tree1 
28027   S1578  NAME  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I6042  (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Murdock Corbett  tree1 
28028   S1578  NAME  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I6047  MACLEOD  Annie  tree1 
28029   S1578  BIRT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I6047  MACLEOD  Annie  tree1 
28030   S1578  DEAT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I6042  (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Murdock Corbett  tree1 
28031   S1578  DEAT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I6047  MACLEOD  Annie  tree1 
28032   S1578  DEAT  Record for William (Willm.) Gunn CORBETT (CORBET, CORBITT, CORBELL, CARBETT, CARKETT)  Database online.  I2065  CORBETT  William Gunn  tree1 
28033   S1578  NAME  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I838  DEMERS  Elizabeth Elise  tree1 
28034   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I838  DEMERS  Elizabeth Elise  tree1 
28035   S1578  480191  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I838  DEMERS  Elizabeth Elise  tree1 
28036   S1578  480192  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I838  DEMERS  Elizabeth Elise  tree1 
28037   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1308  BARON  William  tree1 
28038   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1308  BARON  William  tree1 
28039   S1578  480778  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1308  BARON  William  tree1 
28040   S1578  NAME  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1308  BARON  William  tree1 
28041   S1578  BAPM  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1313  BARON  Honore "Henry"  tree1 
28042   S1578  480787  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1313  BARON  Honore "Henry"  tree1 
28043   S1578  NAME  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1313  BARON  Honore "Henry"  tree1 
28044   S1578  480785  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1313  BARON  Honore "Henry"  tree1 
28045   S1578  483555  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I5797  LARUE  Clara  tree1 
28046   S1578  NAME  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I5797  LARUE  Clara  tree1 
28047   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I5797  LARUE  Clara  tree1 
28048   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I5797  LARUE  Clara  tree1 
28049   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Baron  Database online.  I1313  BARON  Honore "Henry"  tree1 
28050   S2050  BURI  Record for William Chadbourne    I8348  CHADBOURNE  William  tree1 
28051   S2050  NAME  Record for William Chadbourne    I8348  CHADBOURNE  William  tree1 
28052   S2050  BIRT  Record for William Chadbourne    I8348  CHADBOURNE  William  tree1 
28053   S2050  NAME  Record for William Chadbourne    I8349  SPARRY  Elizabeth  tree1 
28054   S2050  BIRT  Record for William Chadbourne    I8349  SPARRY  Elizabeth  tree1 
28055   S2050  DEAT  Record for William Chadbourne    I8349  SPARRY  Elizabeth  tree1 
28056   S2050  BURI  Record for William Chadbourne    I8349  SPARRY  Elizabeth  tree1 
28057   S2050  NAME  Record for William Chadbourne    I8467  CHADBOURNE  Patience  tree1 
28058   S2050  BIRT  Record for William Chadbourne    I8467  CHADBOURNE  Patience  tree1 
28059   S2050  DEAT  Record for William Chadbourne    I8467  CHADBOURNE  Patience  tree1 
28060   S2050  DEAT  Record for William Chadbourne    I8348  CHADBOURNE  William  tree1 
28061   S2050  BURI  Record for William Chadbourne    I8467  CHADBOURNE  Patience  tree1 
28062   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2077  HOYT  John  tree1 
28063   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2077  HOYT  John  tree1 
28064   S1578  NAME  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2077  HOYT  John  tree1 
28065   S1578  481630  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2080  HOYT  William  tree1 
28066   S1578  NAME  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2080  HOYT  William  tree1 
28067   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2080  HOYT  William  tree1 
28068   S1578  NAME  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2081  HALEY  Elizabeth  tree1 
28069   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2081  HALEY  Elizabeth  tree1 
28070   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2081  HALEY  Elizabeth  tree1 
28071   S1578  NAME  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2089  HOYT  Thomas  tree1 
28072   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2089  HOYT  Thomas  tree1 
28073   S1578  NAME  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2090  BROWN  Mary  tree1 
28074   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2090  BROWN  Mary  tree1 
28075   S1578  NAME  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2091  HOYT  Sarah  tree1 
28076   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2091  HOYT  Sarah  tree1 
28077   S1578  NAME  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2092  HIGHT  William  tree1 
28078   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2092  HIGHT  William  tree1 
28079   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2092  HIGHT  William  tree1 
28080   S1578  BIRT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2089  HOYT  Thomas  tree1 
28081   S1578  DEAT  Record for William Hoyt  Database online.  I2090  BROWN  Mary  tree1 
28082   S2050  BURI  Record for William Moore    I7689  UNKNOWN  Unknown  tree1 
28083   S2050  NAME  Record for William Moore    I7689  UNKNOWN  Unknown  tree1 
28084   S2050  DEAT  Record for William Moore    I7711  MOORE  William  tree1 
28085   S2050  BIRT  Record for William Moore    I7711  MOORE  William  tree1 
28086   S2050  NAME  Record for William Moore    I7711  MOORE  William  tree1 
28087   S2050  BURI  Record for William Moore    I7711  MOORE  William  tree1 
28088   S11  NAME  Record for William Moses    I1286  MOSES  William  tree1 
28089   S60  DEAT  Record for William Moses    I1286  MOSES  William  tree1 
28090   S60  NAME  Record for William Moses    I1286  MOSES  William  tree1 
28091   S60  480748  Record for William Moses    I1286  MOSES  William  tree1 
28092   S60  480749  Record for William Moses    I1286  MOSES  William  tree1 
28093   S1733  NAME  Record for William Moses  Year: 1790; Census Place: Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire; Series: M637; Roll: 5; Page: 200; Image: 130; Family History Library Film: 0568145  I1286  MOSES  William  tree1 
28094   S1733  480743  Record for William Moses  Year: 1790; Census Place: Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire; Series: M637; Roll: 5; Page: 200; Image: 130; Family History Library Film: 0568145  I1286  MOSES  William  tree1 
28095   S1496  BIRT  Record for William Smith    I17607  SMITH  William H  tree1 
28096   S1496  NAME  Record for William Smith    I17607  SMITH  William H  tree1 
28097   S1496  487092  Record for William Smith    I17607  SMITH  William H  tree1 
28098   S1496  BAPM  Record for William Smith    I17607  SMITH  William H  tree1 
28099   S71  BIRT  Record for William Smith  National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.; Index to New England Naturalization Petitions, 1791-1906 (M1299); Microfilm Serial: M1299; Microfilm Roll: 110  I17607  SMITH  William H  tree1 
28100   S71  487095  Record for William Smith  National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.; Index to New England Naturalization Petitions, 1791-1906 (M1299); Microfilm Serial: M1299; Microfilm Roll: 110  I17607  SMITH  William H  tree1 

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