Report: individuals with associated notes

         Description: personen met geassocieerde notities

Matches 201 to 300 of 1706

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# Person ID Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Living note Tree
201 I17315  BLIND  Henry the  1113  14 Aug 1196  Henry is an important figure in the history of the southern Netherlands and the modern countries of Belgium and Luxembourg. He was especially important to the history of the county of Namur, where he was the last member of the first line of counts, and the most powerful of them. His important inheritances were divided again after his death, bringing Namur and Luxembourg to different families. His daughter, born late in life kept Luxembourg and the smaller Ardennes lordships, while descendants of his sister Alice, counts of Flanders and Hainaut, possessed Namur.  tree1 
202 I17331  BLOIS  Theobold I of  913  975  Theobald earned his nickname “the Cheat” fighting with his neighbours, among them the kings of France, the dukes of Normandy, and the church of Reims. He seized the area around Blois about 940 and later augmented his holdings with the counties of Chartres and Châteaudun. In 945 Hugh the Great made Theobald responsible for holding the French king Louis IV prisoner.  tree1 
203 I17209  BLOUNT  Walter  1350  21 Jul 1403  Killed at the battle of Shrewsbury; killed by Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas, during the attempted attack by Hotspur on King Henry IV.  tree1 
204 I17209  BLOUNT  Walter  1350  21 Jul 1403  Soldier and supporter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. He later supported John's son and heir Henry Bolingbroke in his bid to become King Henry IV and in later battles against his enemies. At the Battle of Shrewsbury he served as the royal standard-bearer, was mistaken for the king and killed in combat.

He appears as a character in Shakespeare's play Henry IV, part 1, in which he epitomizes selfless loyalty and chivalry. 
205 I1556               
206 I1557               
207 I1558               
208 I7478  BOLD  Uhtred the    1016  The killing of Uhtred by Thurbrand the Hold started a blood feud that lasted for many years. Uhtred's son Ealdred subsequently avenged his father by killing Thurbrand, but Ealdred in turn was killed by Thurbrand's son, Carl. Ealdred's vengeance had to wait until the 1070s, when Waltheof, Ealdred’s grandson had his soldiers kill most of Carl's sons and grandsons. This is an example of the notorious Northumbrian blood feuds that were common at this time.  tree1 
209 I9205  BONVILLE  Cecily  1461  12 May 1530  Shacklewell, Hackney, Middlesex, England  tree1 
210 I9205  BONVILLE  Cecily  1461  12 May 1530  When Cecily was just six months old, both her father, Lord Harington, and grandfather, William Bonville, were executed following the disastrous Battle of Wakefield on 30 December 1460. The Bonvilles, having fought with the Yorkist contingent, were shown no mercy from the victorious troops of Margaret of Anjou (wife of King Henry VI of England), who headed the Lancastrian faction, and were thus swiftly decapitated on the battlefield. Cecily's maternal grandfather, Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury, was also executed after the battle which had been commanded on the Lancastrian side by Henry Beaufort, 3rd Duke of Somerset, while Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, had led the Yorkists and was consequently slain in the fighting. Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England, was in Scotland at the time raising support for her cause and so had not been present at Wakefield.[5] In less than two months, the Yorkists suffered another major defeat at the Second Battle of St Albans on 17 February 1461, and the Lancastrian army's commander Margaret of Anjou, in an act of vengeance, personally ordered the execution of Cecily's great-grandfather, Baron Bonville, the next day.[6] These executions left Cecily Bonville as the wealthiest heiress in England,[7][8] having inherited numerous estates in the West Country,[9] as well as manors in Lancashire, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, and Cumberland.[10] She succeeded to the title of suo jure 7th Baroness Harington of Aldingham on 30 December 1460,[11] and the title of suo jure 2nd Baroness Bonville on 18 February 1461.  tree1 
211 I9192  BONVILLE  William  1442  30 Dec 1460  He was slain and left dead on the field during the Yorkist defeat at the Battle of Wakefield, leaving his baby daughter, Cecily Bonville heiress to his barony.  tree1 
212 I19388  BOODEY  Zechariah  1677  1755  Landed in Boston in 1695 at the age of eighteen. With other fellow sailors he deserted ship, fled into the wilderness, evaded detectives, and eventually hid in a haymow and an old hovel in Cocheco, now Madbury, not far from the present Madbury Town Hall. After the ship departed, he emerged from hiding and settled in Cocheco among the Indians. A granite monument to his memory, with a large corn mortar carved upon it by the Indians, was placed on his grave by the poet-historian Robert Caverly Boodey, inscribed on each of the four sides with "Boodey 1695", King Phillip 1675", Demerritt 1758" and "Caverly 1780", to mark the spot where Red Men and White Men lived together in a kindly fellowship. (A History of Barrington)  tree1 
213 I20240  BOUCHER  Marin  1587  29 Mar 1671  HIGHLIGHTS:

Marin was a stonemason and was involved in constructing Robert Giffard's home and eleven houses for other settlers. His expertise was so valued that Samuel de Champlain himself housed the Boucher family in Fort St. Louis until they could settle on their land. Champlain's appreciation for Marin's work was evident in his 1635 will, where he bequeathed Marin his last suit of clothes.

The Boucher family home (inherited by Marin’s first wife) still stands in St-Langis-les-Mortagne, France.

Famous descendants of Marin and Perrine Boucher include Justin Beiber, Angelina Jolie, Madonna, Celine Dion, Ryan Gosling, and Justin Trudeau


Jim's 9th and 10th GGF on the Dumas and Vermette branches.


Marin Boucher, born on April 15, 1589, in the Parish of Saint Langis, Mortagne-au-Perche, France, was one of the most influential early settlers of New France. A skilled stonemason by trade, Marin's decision to emigrate to the New World at the age of 45 would have a profound impact on the development of the colony and leave a lasting legacy through his numerous descendants.

Marin's life took a significant turn when he married Perrine Mallet, his second wife, sometime before 1630. This union came after the death of his first wife, Julienne Baril, in 1627, with whom he had seven children. Marin and Perrine would go on to have seven more children together, forming a large blended family that would become one of the founding families of New France.

In 1634, despite his age and established family, Marin made the bold decision to join the Percheron immigration movement to New France. Along with Perrine and three of his children, Marin embarked on the ship Le Petit Saint-Christophe, captained by Pierre de Nesle, departing from Dieppe in April. They arrived in Quebec City on June 4, 1634, ready to face the challenges of life in the new colony.

Upon arrival, Marin's skills as a stonemason were immediately put to use. He was involved in constructing Robert Giffard's home and eleven houses for other settlers. His expertise was so valued that Samuel de Champlain himself housed the Boucher family in Fort St. Louis until they could settle on their land. Champlain's appreciation for Marin's work was evident in his 1635 will, where he bequeathed Marin his last suit of clothes.

The Boucher family initially settled on land along the St. Charles River, where Marin combined his masonry work with farming. Over time, they moved to Beauport, where by 1650, Marin had acquired a substantial property measuring 1,150 feet wide along the St. Lawrence River and extending four miles inland. This land would become the foundation for the family's prosperity in New France.

In 1663, records show the Boucher family residing in Château-Richer, where they were part of a growing parish. That year, Marin and Perrine, along with their family members, were among the 170 parishioners confirmed by Bishop François de Laval in the newly built stone church.

The 1667 census provides insight into the Bouchers' success, listing Marin as the owner of 8 head of cattle and 20 arpents of cultivated land. By this time, he had acquired enough property to provide for each of his children and their families, ensuring their future in the new land.

Marin Boucher's life came to an end on March 28, 1671, at the age of 82. His burial record, signed by F. Pillion, a missionary priest, speaks to Marin's character, describing him as having "lived as a good Christian" and receiving the sacraments before his death. He was laid to rest in the cemetery of Château-Richer.

Perrine Mallet survived her husband, continuing to manage the family's affairs. Her date of death is not provided in the given information, but her role in establishing the Boucher family in New France was crucial.

The legacy of Marin Boucher and Perrine Mallet is immense. By the end of the 18th century, their descendants numbered more than 8,500, making Marin one of the most prolific ancestors in French-Canadian genealogy. Today, hundreds of thousands of people across North America can trace their lineage back to this pioneering couple.
214 I6436  BOUDREAU  Claude  1683  7 Mar 1737  Grand Pre, New Brunswick, Canada  tree1 
215 I6446  BOUDREAUX  Jeanne  Abt 1645  9 May 1710  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
216 I6450  BOUDREAX  Michel  1601  20 Aug 1688  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
217 I6450  BOUDREAX  Michel  1601  20 Aug 1688  tree1 
218 I6435  BOUDROT  Francois  1642  27 Sep 1733  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
219 I6435  BOUDROT  Francois  1642  27 Sep 1733  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
220 I6535  BOUDROT  Marguerite  1695  15 May 1767  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
221 I6461  BOUDROT  Michel  1641  1693  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
222 I6465  BOUDROT BOUDREAU  Charles  1649  21 Jul 1727  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
223 I13235  BOUET  Marie  Abt 1651  20 Mar 1687  Source: PRDH Individual #12394  tree1 
224 I11775  BOULDUC, BOLDUC  Louis  1648-49  8 Feb 1700  According to Les Canadiens-Francais, Origine Des Familles, by N.D. Dion, the name Bolduc was originally a corruption of "Bois-le-Duc" (translated to Duke of the Woods/or Forest).  tree1 
225 I11775  BOULDUC, BOLDUC  Louis  1648-49  8 Feb 1700  Feb. 8. 1700, in the marriage contract of his son René, Louis Boulduc -for when living in France -is said (Jacob graft) November 7, 1701, the contract of his son Jacques, he died (Jacob transplant). We may conclude that he died in France between 1699 and  tree1 
226 I20244  BOURDON  Jean  Abt 1612  23 Oct 1665  From:

There is a lot of confusion over his personal life. Some have even given him three wives (married to two at the same time), and attributed accomplishments long after his death. However, in the days of early settlement, there were two Jean Bourdons, possibly brothers, who were both employed by the Company of 100 Associates. Jean or Jehan (b: 1612 and d: October 23, 1665) was an Attorney, and spent most of his time in France, while Jean-Francois was a Surveyor and former 'doctor' (barber at lowest end of the medical profession).

The first was married to Marguerite Legris, but only one son Jacques, would eventually settle in Quebec. His wife and other six children never left Normandy. As for this Jacques; he was born on June 5, 1645 at St. Godard Parish in Rouen, Normandy and died on August 7, 1724 at Boucherville, Quebec. He married Marie Menard, the daughter of the Merchant Jacques Menard and Catherine Fortier. Jacques and Marie had fourteen children.. 
227 I6617  BOURG  Antoine  1609  5 Oct 1687  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
228 I6029  BOURG  Marie  1645  19 Sep 1730  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
229 I6449  BOURG  Renee Madeleine  1655  1686  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
230 I6449  BOURG  Renee Madeleine  1655  1686  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
231 I5994  BOURGEOIS  Anne  1661  28 Dec 1747  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
232 I15182  BOURGEOIS  Germain  1650  11 Jan 1711  "Germain, born in c1650, married Madeleine, daughter of Antoine Belliveau, probably at Chignecto in c1673. They had three children, including a son who married into the Mius de Plenmarais and Thibodeau families. Their daughter married into the Breau family. Germain remarried to Madeleine, daughter of Abraham Dugas and sister of brother Charles's wife Anne, probably at Chignecto in c1682. They had 10 children, including two sons who married into the LeBlanc family. Their eight daughters married into the Poirier, Richard dit Lafond and dit Beaupré, Girouard, LeBlanc, and Robichaud dit Prudent families. Germain commanded a ship in Pierre Le Moyne, sieur d'Iberville's attack on the New England fort at Pemaquid, Maine, in 1696 during King William's War. Later that year, Germain confronted Massachusetts Colonel Benjamin Church when the Englishman attacked Chignecto. Germaine died in 1711, in his early 60s, from the rigors of being held hostage by British Colonel Samuel Vetch in the dungeon at Port-Royal during Queen Anne's War. "  tree1 
233 I12354  BOURGOUIN  Marie Marthe  Abt 1636  19 Dec 1682  Marie was literate and signed her own marriage contract  tree1 
234 I16466  BOYINGTON  John    31 Jul 1747  Killed in attack by indians that also killed his father in law  tree1 
235 I443  BOYLSTON  Ann  1 Nov 1706  18 Feb 1770  Braintree/Norfolk/MA  tree1 
236 I8694  BRACKETT  Anthony  1613  28 Sep 1691  Killed by Indians in what is known as the Brackett Massacre  tree1 
237 I8697  BRACKETT  Capt Anthony  14 Jul 1636  21 Sep 1689  Became a wealthy man with 400 acres, livestock, and a slave. His farm was located along Back Cove from the area of Deering Oaks and extending up into the University of Southern Maine campus and out towards Capisic. His house was situated near where Deering
Avenue and the interstate cross.

The story of Ann Mitton Brackett and her family during the turbulent times of King Philip's War in Maine is a tale of survival and resilience. In August 1676, the war, which had ended in Massachusetts, was still raging in Maine. The Native Americans, incited by Simon the Yankee Killer, were seeking revenge against the English settlers for various grievances, including land disputes and the confiscation of their guns.

The Brackett family, living in Casco (now Portland), Maine, found themselves in the midst of this conflict. Anthony Brackett, a wealthy landowner, and his wife Ann Mitton Brackett, along with their five children and a slave, were living on a farm along Back Cove. The area, a beautiful landscape of marshland and tidal estuaries, was also home to other colonists who had settled around Back Cove and the Presumpscot River.

The tensions escalated when neighboring Indians killed one of Anthony Brackett's cows. Simon, pretending to help Brackett find the culprits, arrived at the Brackett home with a war party. The Indians ransacked the house, confiscated guns, and bound the family, taking them captive. Ann's brother, Nathaniel Mitton, who was visiting, resisted and was immediately killed.

The war party continued their raid across the area, attacking homesteads, killing settlers, and taking captives. The local militia, spread thin and unprepared, could not mount an effective defense. The settlers, realizing the gravity of the situation, began to flee to safer areas.

The Brackett family, along with other captives, was taken northeast of Casco. At some point, the Indians who had taken the Brackett family got distracted by other raids, leaving the family behind. Seizing the opportunity, Ann, using her needlework skills, repaired an abandoned canoe they found. Despite the rudimentary tools and materials available, Ann managed to make the canoe seaworthy.

The family embarked on a perilous journey across Casco Bay, eventually reaching Black Point. From there, they found a vessel bound for Piscataqua and made their way to safety. This escape was a remarkable feat, considering the circumstances and the limited resources at their disposal.

Tragically, Ann Mitton Brackett passed away the following year, in 1677, and was buried at Sandy Beach in Rye. Her death, possibly due to childbirth, was a significant loss to the family. Anthony Brackett remarried and returned to Casco with his new wife, Susannah Drake, and had five more children. He continued to serve in the local militia and was involved in the community's defense efforts.

However, the peace was short-lived. In 1689, Anthony Brackett was killed in another attack, highlighting the ongoing conflicts and dangers of the frontier life during that era. The story of the Brackett and Mitton families during these tumultuous times is a testament to their courage and determination in the face of adversity. 
238 I1560  BRACKETT  Charles H  1 Nov 1865  23 Mar 1938 
Charles was the proprietor of Cold Springs Farm in Greenland and owned 200 acres of land.
Gladys Chapman reports that he liked the women and that because of his running around, he couldn't pay the mortgage and lost the farm. 
239 I8822  BRACKETT  Samuel  27 Apr 1672  27 Apr 1752  Samuel Brackett was the son of Thomas Brackett and Mary Mitton. After his parents' death when he was around six years old, he was taken captive by Indians. Upon his redemption from captivity by his grandfather, he went to live with his aunt Martha in Kittery, Maine. He married Elizabeth Botts on November 20, 1694  tree1 
240 I8805  BRACKETT  Thomas  1635  11 Aug 1676  The story of Thomas Brackett and his wife Mary Mitton, as detailed in "The Bracketts of Peaks Island: An Introduction" by Reta Morrill, unfolds as a tale of early American settlers and their struggles. Thomas Brackett, a descendant of George Cleeve, one of Portland's first settlers, arrived in Boston from Scotland around 1629. He and his brother Anthony moved to Falmouth (now Portland) around 1662. Thomas married Mary Mitton, whose parents were Michael Mitton and Elizabeth Cleeve, George Cleeve's daughter.

Thomas Brackett's life was marked by tragedy during the turbulent times of Native American and settler conflicts. In 1676, he was killed by Native Americans, and his wife and children were taken captive. Mary Mitton Brackett died shortly after her capture, but their children survived and were eventually returned. One of their children, Joshua Brackett, who was only two years old at the time of his capture, grew up to father Joshua Jr. and Anthony, from whom the Bracketts and Trotts of Peaks Island descended.

The Brackett family's story is intertwined with the early settlement of New England and reflects the hardships and dangers of the time. Their legacy, particularly in Peaks Island and the broader region of Maine and New Hampshire, is a testament to their resilience and the challenging circumstances of early American life. 
241 I2131  BRADSTREET  Dorothy  1633  26 Feb 1672  Burial: Unknown Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?] Created by: P Fazzini Record added: Aug 01, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 55706426  tree1 
242 I2127  BRADSTREET  Dudley  1648  13 Nov 1702  Sources:
Historical Sketches of Andover, Massachusetts by Sarah Loring Bailey, published by Houghton Mifflin in 1880

Colonel Dudley Bradstreet was serving as the Justice of Peace in Andover during the witch hysteria. Though he didn't believe the witchcraft delusion, his duties required him to issue almost 50 arrest warrants before he finally refused to issue any more. Afterwards, both Dudley and his wife, Ann were also accused. They temporarily fled the area, evading arrest.

Dudley's father, Simon would serve as the Colonial Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony from 1670 to 1686. After Simon's wife Anne died, he moved back to Salem and Dudley moved into his father's residence in Andover, as well as taking over his father's leadership role in the town. Dudley was an attorney, a colonel in the militia, schoolteacher, and served as a selectman and town clerk in Andover. He would also serve as a Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts and later, was a member of the Governor's Council. Though he opposed the entire witchcraft delusion, he found himself in the unenviable position of Justice of the Peace in Andover during the hysteria. In the eight weeks from July 15, 1692 until the "touch test" on September 7th, Bradstreet granted out arrest warrants against, and committed, some 30 Andover persons to prisons for supposed witchcrafts. On September 7th, after the ludicrous "touch test," he dutifully wrote out an additional 18 warrants. However, after he had issued those warrants, he refused to grant any more. Not long afterwards, both he and his wife Ann Wood (widow of Theodore Price), were themselves, accused of witchcraft, with the "afflicted" claiming that they had killed at least nine people. In response, Colonel Bradstreet and his wife fled the area. However, he later returned to Andover and his name appears first on the petition written in late December. The petition, presented to the Superior Court of Judicature at Salem at its opening session on January 3, 1693. It was signed not only by Colonel Bradstreet, but also the Reverend Francis Dane, Reverend Thomas Barnard, 38 other men, and 12 women. The petition was on behalf of Mary Clement Osgood, Eunice Potter Frye, Deliverance Haseltine Dane, Sarah Lord Wilson and Abigail Wheeler Barker, who were all church members who had been arrested together at the Andover touch test. He died in Andover, Massachusetts in 1706.
243 I1340  BRADSTREET  Simon  18 Mar 1603  27 Mar 1697  Test of person notes  tree1 
244 I6023  BRAULT  Jean  1678  17 Apr 1751  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
245 I6023  BRAULT  Jean  1678  17 Apr 1751  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
246 I6030  BRAULT  Marguerite  1668  1714  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
247 I6030  BRAULT  Marguerite  1668  1714  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
248 I6032  BREAU  Marguerite  1667  1742  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
249 I6025  BREAU  Marie  1662  23 Oct 1749  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
250 I6018  BREAU  Rene  1603  1628  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
251 I6020  BREAU  Rene  1683  1720  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
252 I6022  BREAU  Vincent  1629  1686  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
253 I6035  BREAUX  Anne  1672  20 Dec 1742  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
254 I6028  BREAUX  Antoine  1666  1763  Port Royal, New Brunswick, Canada  tree1 
255 I6031  BREAUX  Francois  1674  1755  Port Royal, New Brunswick, Canada  tree1 
256 I6027  BREAUX  Jeanne  1680  1714  Port Royal, New Brunswick, Canada  tree1 
257 I6027  BREAUX  Jeanne  1680  1714  Port Royal, New Brunswick, Canada  tree1 
258 I4910  BREWSTER  Millicent  1552  23 May 1614  Fordington, Dorset, England  tree1 
259 I14325  BRIEN DIT DESROCHERS  Francois Jacques  18 Sep 1744  6 Apr 1823  tree1 
260 I14325  BRIEN DIT DESROCHERS  Francois Jacques  18 Sep 1744  6 Apr 1823  From other family tree with no source  tree1 
261 I19719  BRIERE  Sebastien  28 Jan 1664  Abt Jan 1664  died as an infant  tree1 
262 I656  BRITTANY  Conan I    27 Jun 992  Conquereuil, Loire, Bretagne, France  tree1 
263 I4973  BROME  John  1410  Nov 1469  Whitefriars, London  tree1 
264 I4973  BROME  John  1410  Nov 1469  Assassinated  tree1 
265 I8990  BROTHERTON  Margaret of  1320  24 Mar 1399  Margaret is a character in Georgette Heyer's last novel My Lord John, where she is portrayed sympathetically as a kindly though outwardly formidable old lady. She is saddened by the death of so many of her children and grandchildren, in particular the death by drowning of her infant son Thomas Mauny. In her last years she is shown as being gravely concerned for the future of England, due to the misrule of her grandnephew King Richard II.
266 I706  BROWN  Charles H  Nov 1813    Prussia, Germany  tree1 
267 I861  BROWN  Jeremiah  25 Dec 1834  2 Jul 1907  Kilfinnane, Ireland  tree1 
268 I2244  BROWN  William  24 Dec 1622  24 Aug 1706  Deposition against Susannah Martin 11 May 1692

The deposition of William Brown of Salisbury, aged seventy years, who, testifying, saith: That about one or two and thirty years ago Elizabeth, his wife, being a very rational woman and sober, and one that feared God, as was well known to all that knew her, and as prudently careful in her family, which woman going upon a time from her own house towards the mill in Salisbury, did there meet with Susanna Martin, the then wife of George Martin of Amesbury. Just as they came together the said Susanna Martin vanished away out of her sight, which put the said Elizabeth into a great fright; after which time the said Martin did many times appear to her at her house, and did much trouble her in many of her occasions; and this continued until about February following, and then, when she did come, it was as birds pecking her legs or pricking her with the motion of their wings; and then it would rise up into her stomach, with pricking pain, as nails and pins; of which she did bitterly complain, and cry out like a woman in travail; and after that it would rise up to her throat in a bunch like a pullet’s egg, and then she would turn back her head an say, ‘Witch, ye sha’nt choke me.’

In the times of this extremity the church appointed a day of humiliation, to seek God on her behalf, and thereupon her trouble ceased, and she saw goodwife Martin no more for a considerable time, for which the church, instead, of a day of humiliation, gave thanks for her deliverance. She came to meeting and went about her business as before. This continued ‘till April following, at which time the summonses were sent to the said Elizabeth Brown and goodwife Osgood by the court to give their evidences concerning the said Martin; and they did, before the grand jury, give a full account.

After which time the said Elizabeth told this deponent that, as she was milking her cow, the said Susanna Martin came behind her and told her that she would make her the miserablest creature for defaming her name at the court, and wept grievously as she told it to this deponent. About two months after this deponent came home from Hampton, and his said wife would not own him, but said they were divorced, and asked him whether he did not meet with one Mrs. Bent of Albury, in England, by whom he was divorced. And from that time to this very day she has been under a strange kind of distemper and frenzy, incapable of any rational action, though strong and healthy of body.

He further testifyeth that when she came into that condition this deponent [got] Doctors Fuller and Crosby to come to her for her release, but they did both say that her distemper was supernatural, no sickness of body, but that some evil person had bewitched her.

Sworn the eleventh day of May Anno Domini 1692, before me, Robert Pike, Assistant.
269 I1201  BRUN  Andree  Abt 1647  25 Jul 1727  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
270 I1197  BRUN  Francoise  Abt 1652  23 May 1725  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
271 I1137  BRUN  Madeleine  25 Jan 1645  1686  Port Royal, New Brunswick, Canada  tree1 
272 I1137  BRUN  Madeleine  25 Jan 1645  1686  1678 Port Royal Census

Guillaume Trahan & Madelenne Brun

4 acres 6 cattle

3 boys 10 1668 Guillaume 1667 1666/7

8 1670 Jean Charles 1668 1668/9

7 1670 Alexandre 1670 1670/1

3 girls 6 1672 Marie 1672

5 1673

4 1674

1671 Census

Guillaume TRAHAN, 60, wife Madelaine BRUN 25; Children: Guillaume 4, Jehan-Charles 3, Alexandre 1; cattle 8, sheep 10.
1671 Census of Port Royal Acadia 
273 I1195  BRUN  Marie Sebastienne  1658  13 Apr 1736  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
274 I1195  BRUN  Marie Sebastienne  1658  13 Apr 1736  Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
275 I1199  BRUN  Sebastien  Abt 1654  15 Aug 1728  Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada  tree1 
276 I8037  BUNKER  James II  1628  24 Jan 1698  The Bunker Garrison house survived both the 1689 and 1694 attacks. 
277 I10128  BURNHAM  Robert  1624  18 Jun 1691  Came with his maternal uncle Captain Andrews on the ship Angel Gabriel which was wrecked off the coast of Maine  tree1 
278 I10128  BURNHAM  Robert  1624  18 Jun 1691  According to Genealogical records of deacon John Burnham and his descendants  tree1 
279 I10128  BURNHAM  Robert  1624  18 Jun 1691  He was at the home of his brother when he died  tree1 
280 I10650  BUTTERFIELD  Benjamin  Abt 1606  2 Mar 1688  Benjamin and Anne (maiden name unknown) Butterfield migrated to America where they are first found in Charlestown in 1638 and had moved to Woburn by 1643. He was one of thirty-two men who subscribed to the founding document at Woburn, and was made a freeman there on May 10, 1643. In 1653/4, he joined 29 others in petitioning to create what would become Chelmsford. His home and farm were located in what is now Lowell, Massachusetts.  tree1 
281 I7773  BYRAM  Dr. Nicholas  1610  13 Apr 1688  Nicholas Byram. according;- to family tradition, was the son of an English gentleman of some prominence, William H. By- ram and his wife, Mary, of the County of Kent, who ri.moved to Ireland about the time this son was born in 1610. His father sent him at the age of sixteen to visit his friends in England m charge of a man who betrayed his trust, robbed him of his money, and took him to the West Indies, supposed to have been Barbadoes, where he was sold to service to pay his passage, and after his term expired he made his way to New England in 1633 or and settled at Weymouth. He married Su- sanne (36), daughter of Abraham Shaw in Dedham, about 1635. In 1660 he bought three proprietary or original purchase rights in Bridgewater. viz. : Moses Simmons, Phillip Delanos, and George Soules, and settled there soon after. He died in 1688. His wife died April 13. 1688-9.  tree1 
282 I7773  BYRAM  Dr. Nicholas  1610  13 Apr 1688  About Nicholas Byram, Sr.
Name: Nicholas Byram 1
Sex: M
Death: 13 APR 1688 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Ma
Note: NICHOLAS BYRAM, a physician, resided in Weymouth from ~:1638 to 1662, and in Bridgewater from 1662 to 1688. Dr. Byram was joint executor of the will of Abraham Shaw in or about Nov. 1638. (Lechford's Note-Book, 329.)
-------------------- came to Weymouth 1638 stayed 24 years removed to Bridgewater.Family tradition states his father came from Kent moved to Ireland when nicholas was born.Sent his son to England when he was 16 to friend... stole all his money sent him to West Indies was sold into service to pay for his passage..made his way to Weymouth. -------------------- Nicholas Byram, according to family tradition, was son of an English gentleman of the county of Kent, who removed to Ireland about the time this son was born. His father sent him at the age of 16 to visit his friends in Eng. in charge of a man who betrayed his trust, robbed him of his money, and sent him to the West Indies, where he was sold to service to pay his passage, and after his term expired he made his way to New England and settled at Weymouth. He m. Susanna, D. of Abraham Shaw of Dedham. In 1660 he bought three proprietary or original purchase rights in Bridgewater viz.: Moses Simmons', Philip Delano's, and George Soule's, and settled here soon after. He d. 1688; she d. a. 1698.

Their children,
all born at Weymouth, were as follows:

(32) Nicholas, Jr.; married Mary, daughter of Sam-
uel Edson, January, 1676. He was born
about 1640.

Abigail, born 1636 or 1637; married Thomas
Whitman, 1656.

Deliverance; married Rev. John Porter, 1660.

Experience ; married John Willis.

Susanne; married Samuel Edson. about 1677.

Miary ; married Samuel Leach.

Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts Colony

On April 9, 1676, the Natives crept up Satucket Path to the Latham farm. Robert Latham’s house would be the first of nine houses to be destroyed by fire that day, the natives sparing only one dwelling…that of Nicholas Byram.

Worcester County, Massachusetts Memoirs, Volume I-II

Abraham Shaw (1) the immigrant ancestor of Thomas Asa Shaw, of Worcester, came from Halifax, York County, England and settled in Dedham, MA, before 1636. In that year he signed the famous Dedham Covenant. In the old country he was a clothier and a man of some property. He was a planter at Dedham. When he first came to America he went to Watertown, MA, where he was a proprietor in 1636; his house was burned in October of that year, whereupon he seems to have removed to Dedham, where he was a constable in 1636-37-38, and was admitted a freeman March 9, 1637. He was owner of coal mines in Halifax and November 2, 1637, shortly before his death, he received a grant of half the coal and iron he might find in the common lands. He was given a permit to erect a coal mill February 12, 1637. He died in 1638, and his will, made November of that year, was proved before the end of the year. He mentions Joseph, John, Mary and Martha, his children, and Nicholas Byram, son-in-law. Of the children Joseph removed to Weymouth; Mary was born about 1638; Martha born about ---; Susanna married married Nicholas Byram before 1638. 
283 I14603  CADIEU  Marie Madeleine  26 Oct 1659  27 Feb 1715  Age: 55  tree1 
284 I1435  CADIEU DIT COURVILLE  Marie Madeleine  26 Oct 1659  26 Feb 1715  Y/St Laurent, Ile, Quebec, Canada  tree1 
285 I1434  CADIEU SIEUR DE COURVILLE  Charles  1628  9 Aug 1715  786. Charles CADIEU-COURVILLE was born about 1628 in Thury-Jarcourt, Normandie. He was raised by the Jesuits at Sillery, where he was living in 1641 at the same time asRené GOUPIL. He was sent back to France in 1641 when he was accused of trying to kidnap Madame Uette d'Auteuil. He was an ancestor of Wilfrid Laurier He marriedMichelle Madeleine MARCARD before 12 Jan 1653 in France. He returned to Canada in 1655 with his wife. He won employment in the fur trade because of his knowledge of the native languages. He was associated with Louis COUILLARD. LaSalle tried to persuade him to testify against the Jesuits in 1669 to Governor COURCELLE but he refused to do so. He died in 1715. (1)(3)

787. Michelle Madeleine MARCARD was also known as Madeleine MACART.

Children were:

393 vii. Louise CADIEU-COURVILLE was born 7 Sep 1667 in Québec. She married Vincent VACHONon 26 Jun 1685 in Beauport. She died 20 Jan 1703 in Beauport. (1)(2)
Nine other children. (1)

Relationship Charts - Léveillée & Paré Ancestry

Cardinal Joseph Armand Marc Ouellet
was a descendant of
Charles Cadieu Courville & Michelle Madeleine Marcard.
Bishop Charles François Baillargeon
was also a descendant of
Charles Cadieu Courville & Michelle Madeleine Marcard 
286 I6361  CADIEUX DIT COURVILLE  Madeleine  12 Jan 1653  17 Mär 1661  St Laurent, Ile, Quebec, Canada  tree1 
287 I3156  CALVERLEY  Sir Walter  1402  5 Mar 1466  His will indicated his desire to be buried at the church in Calverly, Yorkshire  tree1 
288 I3156  CALVERLEY  Sir Walter  1402  5 Mar 1466  Son and heir of his father's third marriage. In 1426 he was appointed by the sheriff to arres several people and bring them to York Castle. In 1435 he acquired a house and land in Bradford, Yorkshire. In 1451 he acquired another house in Eccleshill, Yorkshire and another one as a rental in 1452, located in Pusey, Yorkshire.  tree1 
289 I1048  CAMPAGNA  Josephine  28 Oct 1859  7 Jun 1941  Mt. Cavalry Cemetery  tree1 
290 I11061  CAMVILLE  Richard  Aft 1178  Aft 1206  Richard de Camvill was the son of Gerard de Camvill.[1]

In 1200, Gerard de Camvill paid £1,000 to the king [John] for the guardianship of Eustace, daughter and heir of Gilbert Basset, with Eustace's lands and the liberty to dispose of her in marriage to his son Richard; Eustace had married Thomas de Verdon, baron of Alton, county Stafford, and lord of the manor of Heth, county Oxford, at the beginning of the reign of King Richard I.[1]

In 1204, Richard de Camville, son of Gerard de Camvill, the husband of Eustace, daughter and heir of Gilbert Basset, lord of Burcester, and widow of Thomas de Verdon, claimed in right of his wife the whole estate of her late husband, which was in the possession of Nicholas de Verdon, brother of Thomas; the court found Nicholas should restore the manors of Farnham, co Bucks, and of Heth, county Oxford, to Eustace, as a reasonable dower.[1]

In 1205, Richard de Camvill gave the king 2,000 marks and 10 palfreys for livery of the inheritance of Gilbert de Basset, his wife's late father, excepting the manor of Stoke claimed by the king.[1]

At Easter term, 1206, a court case for the right of the church of Keingworth between Richard de Camvill and his wife, Eustace, versus the prior of Keingworth was adjourned sine die because Richard was absent on the king's service.[1] 
291 I15006  CANNEY  Thomas  Abt 1606  15 May 1677  Random Notes - In No Order - For Research Purposes - Unproven

From the Wegrzyn Family Tree and owner edaedalus79 - found on Jan 2013

Following from the "My Day Family Tree" Family Tree and owner jennifer Day1967 found on Jan 2013

Old Kittery and Her Families Page 33

THOMAS CANNEY bought land of Capt. Wiggin in Dover in 1634. He was living in 1671, and had second wife, Jane, in 1655. He lived on the Pascataqua shore of Newington. Children were THOMAS, born before 1645, married Sarah, daughter of Anthony Taylor of Hampton. She married (2) John Wingate. JOSEPH, married Mary Clement. DAUGHTER, married Henry Hobbs. MARY, married Jeremy Tibbetts."Early Marriages of Strafford County"?Canney, Thomas, b.1600 in Okehampton, England, d. 1678, came to Strawberry Bank (Newington), about 1631, had grant at Dover Neck in 1634, had other grants in 1652 and 1656. Signed Dover Combination in 1640 m. (1) before 1635, Mary Loome, b. 1613, m. (2) before 1655, Jane---

THOMAS KINNE (Kenney, Keeney) of Norfolk, England, according to numerous reported sources, had three sons. Two of them, William and John, have been listed with their descendents in the most recent KEENEY UPDATES. These families populated much of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, as well as New York and midwestern states.THOMAS II, referred to in New Hampshire archives, chose to go by the name of CANNEY, as did his early descendents.The three sons of Sir Thomas did not come to America together. According to Names of Stewards & Servants Sent by John Mason Esq. To Colony of New Hampshire Thomas Canney was listed as the first settle on New Hampshire. His birth date was listed as 1611 at Okelhampton. He settled first at Thompson's Point in Dover.Thomas was sent to America in 1631, got land from Captain Wiggins in 1634, was listed as a freeman (suggesting that he had "worked off' his cost of passage), was taxed several times between 1648 and 1668, and was alive in 1699, although he had lost his sight.Although some sources say that the first wife of Thomas Canney is unknown, later sources list his first marriage to MARY LOOME in 1637 and a second marriage to JANE in 1657.Thomas gave his son JOSEPH real and personal property on 3 December 1669. Later, Thomas Canney III & wife Grace gave land near Thompson's Point, Dover, to his brother Samuel on 12 August 1703. Thomas had earlier, on 20 February 1640, petitioned with several others the Royal Government of Massachusetts "that we may comfortably enjoy the benefits of His Majesty's laws".John Mason, benefactor of Thomas Canney, named this new colony for his own English county Hampshire. The colony was 9th in ratifying the US Constitution, the number required to make it effective. This rugged land of mountains (White Mts.), forests, rivers and lakes, became the largest of the six states of New England. Concord became the capital in 1808, but Portsmouth, Exeter, Hopkintown, Charlestown, DOVER, Hanover and Amherst had their turns as state capital.

The family of HENRY TIBBETS (whose wife was ELIZABETH KENNEY) were very close neighbors of Thomas Canney at Dover Neck. Both Henry & Elizabeth were born in 1596, so it is likely true that Elizabeth was a daughter of Sir Thomas. Henry, who became Dover's lone shoemaker, had come from London to America in 1635 on the ship "JANE". Jeremiah, first son of Henry Tibbets, married Mary Canney, daughter of Thomas and Mary Loome Canney.

May Tibbetts Jarvis, "Henry Tibbetts of Dover NH and some of his Descendants,1635-1939", has 2 full pages on Thomas Canney of Piscatawa and Dover, and his children: Thomas was sent over by Capt. Mason on or before 1631 from western England . He was Constable in 1648 (p. 32, Pioneers of Me & NH 1623-1660 by Charles Henry Pope) on the Grand Jury 1643 & 1656, petty jury 1651(Libby's Dict. ,Part 2, p. 127). He was a freeman in 1653, had landgrants in 1652-55, andwas Selectman, Dover, 1658 April 19 (Scales' Hist,Dover, p.256).

Thomas Canney lived first at Newington on the Piscataqua Shore, and later moved to Dover Neck near the Friends Burial Ground. In 1643 he was one of 12 men of Bloody Point (Newington) who petitioned to have the territory restored to Dover (Mass Archives,3, 438; Scales' History of Dover, p.173). Thomas took a lot from Capt. Wiggin in 1634; Freeman in 1638; first wife not known, but second wife is Jane _____, a big woman who was accused of beating him and daughter Mary and Mary's husband, Jeremy. Old Thomas lost his sight and was excused from "common training." Ref.: NEHGR, 4/1853 et ad passim; "Brackett Genealogy," Herbert I. Brackett (Washington, DC: 1907), p. 49. The LDS Church's unverified Pedigree Resource File(CD 26, Pin 184900) states that Thomas m. Mary Loam (b. ca. 1613) and that Thomas is son of William Kenney/Canney. Also see "Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire," Charles Henry Pope (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1965), p. 32.

Family Notes:Thomas lived in Piscataqua (Portsmouth) in 1631. He bought land in Dover, NH in 1634 from Capt. Wiggins. Living at Bloody Point, he was one of those residents who petitioned about 1642 to be included in the town of Dover, NH. Thomas was a constable in 1648, and a grand juror in 1643 and 1656. His and Mary's lot "butting upon ye high street west, and on ye east nere ye river of Nechechoewannicke, on ye lands of Joseph Austin, south, and uppon ye lands adioyning to ye spring north." They had grants of land in 1652 and 1656; he bought "Thompsons point ," and was then granted 16 acres adjacent "the outmost point turning up to Cochecho.' Thomas sold his 1656 grant, which was bounded on the southeast partly by Nechewanick River, to son-in-law Henry Hobbs in 1661. He married again; his second wife's name was Jane. In Aug 1655.-- "Jane, wife of Thomas Canney presented for beating her son-in-law, Jeremie Tebbets & his wife & her husband." In June 1661--"Tho: Canney of dover desireing the Court to free him from Comon training by reason he hath lost his eiesight, [it] is granted him." In 1671 he removed to York, but went back to Dover where he was last mentioned for intoxication in June 1681.ref: (Part I) Genealogical Items Relating to the Early Settlers of Dover, NH. [Communicated by Mr. Alonzo H. Quint, o f Dover] ref: Historical and Genealogical Registers, New England Historical Genealogical Society, Boston, Samuel G. Drake, Publisher, ©1847- [Vols - 1 - 50 (Oct. 1851 pg 449-456 )]

Husband: Thomas Canney Born: about 1610 in Okehampton, Devon, EnglandMarried: Died: about 1681 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH Father: Mother: Spouses: Wife: Mary Born: about 1613 in England Died: before 1655 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH Father: Mother: Spouses: 01 (F): Mary Canney Born: 1637 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH Died: 02 Jul 1706 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH Souses: Jeremiah Tibbetts 2 (M): Thomas Canney Born: about 1639 Died: 15 May 1677Spouses: 03 (F): Hannah Canney Born: about 1641 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 1 Died: after 18 Apr 1720 2Spouses: Henry Hobbs///Thomas Canney married Mary Loome Bef 1635/45 at Dover, New Hampshire, USA. Thomas Canney married Jane (?) Bef ORE 1661.

Thomas Canney WAS OF PORTSMOUTH 1631 SENT OVER BY MASON, THE PATENTEE WAS OF DOVER 1644 IN JUNE OF 1661, HIS THEN WIFE JANE, WAS INDICTED FOR BEATING HIM, HIS SON-IN -LAW TIBBETS AND HIS WIFE (MARY). MOM OF HANNAH PROB. MARY LOOME B. 1613. Reference: SAVAGE. He was born in 1600 at Okehampton, England. He died circa 1677/78. Children of Thomas Canney and Mary Loome : Joseph Canney, Mary Canney, Thomas Canney b. Before 1645, d. 1675, Hannah Canney+ b. 164104 (M): Joseph Canney Born: about 1643 Died: 17 Nov 1690

Sarah Canney b: 1632 in Dover, Strafford, Nh, United States of America
Mary Canney b: 1635 in Dover Neck, Strafford, Nh, United States of America
Thomas, Jr. Canney b: ABT 1639 in Dover Neck, Strafford, Nh, United States of America
Hannah Canney b: ABT 1641 in Dover Neck, Strafford, Nh, United States of America
Joseph, Sr. Canney b: ABT 1643 in Dover Neck, Strafford, Nh, United States of America
Phebe Canney b: ABT 1647 in Dover Neck, Strafford, Nh, United States of America

Thomas Keeney II took and used the spelling CANNEY as did his descendents.

"Keeney Update Newsletter" Vol XVII, No. 1 March 2000 pg. 1.
Sir Thomas Kinne was made a baronet by King James I and fled to Holland because of religious persecution under Charles I. Some of his family preceded him to the colonies, first settling near Plymouth Massachusetts and Dover NH. In 1969 Mabel Demers Benchley of Duneden FL wrote: "The line goes back with authority to Sir Thomas Keney of Kings Lynne, Norfolk, England, who had at least three sons:

"Keeney Update Newsletter" Vol XVII, No. 2 Spring 2000 pg. 1.
THOMAS (spelled Caney) b. 1611, settled in Dover NH: m. Elizabeth: he was called 'of the County and town of York 1670': a daughter married into the Tibbets family.

"Keeney Update Newsletter" Vol XVII, No. 3 August 2000
"Old Kittery and Her Families" pg. 33 Thomas Canney bought land of Capt. Wiggin in Dover in 1634. He was living in 1671, and had second wife, Jand, in 1655. He lived on the Pascataqua shore of Newington. Childres were Thomas, born before 1645, married Sarah, d/o Anthony Taylor of Hampton. She married (2) John Wingate. Joseph, married Mary Clement. Daughter, married Henry Hobbs. Mary, married Jeremy Tibbetts.

"Early Marriages of Stafford County"
Canney, Thomas, b 1600 in Okehampton, England, d, 1678, came to Strawberry Bank (Newington), abaout 1631, had grant at Dover Neck in 1634, had other grants in 1652 and 1656. Signed Dover Combination in 1640: m. (1) before 1635, Mary Loome, b. 1613, m. (2) before 1655, Jane- - -

"Keeney Update Newsletter" Vol XVII, No. 3 August 2000
The three sons of Sir Thomas did not come to America together. According to "Nemes of Stewards & Servants Sent by John Mason Esq to Colony of New Hampshire" Thomas Canney was listed as the first settler on New Hampshire. His birth date was listed as 1611 at Okelhampton. He settled first at Thompson's Point in Dover.

Thomas Canney was sent over by Captain Mason on or before 1631. He took a lot of Captain Wiggins in 1634, which in 1647 was bounded thus: - "Butting upon ye high street west, and on ye east nere ye river of Nechechoewannicke, on ye lands of Joseph Austin, south and uppon ye land a dioynin gto ye spring north." He was taxed in 1648 and to 1668, and was alive in 1677. He had grants of land in 1652-56. He was a freeman in 1653. He was a sea captain and some have said he was from northern Scotland and belonged to the Campbell Clan. On 26 June 1661 "The Canney of Dover desireing the Court to free him from Comon training by reason he hath lost his eie sight, [it] is granted him." - Court Records.

Although some sources say that the first wife of Thomas Canney is Unknown, later sources list his first marriage to Mary Loome in 1637 and a second marriage to Jane in 1657

Thomas gave his son Joseph real and personal property on December 3, 1669. Later, Thomas Canney III & wife Grace gave land near Thompson's Point, Dover, to his brother Samuel, on August 12, 1703. Thomas had earlier, on February 20, 1640, petitioned with several others the Royal Government of Massachusetts "that we may comfortably enjoy the benefits of His Majesty's laws".

Canney's marsh is on the Greenland shore of the Great Bay, adjacent
to Canney's creek, and now forms part of the Weeks land. It is so named from Thomas Canney of Dover, who, before 1651, had a grant of nine acres of marsh on the S.W. side of the Great Bay, "bounded on the south running into ye marsh of George Webb's creek, and ye whole marsh in tire till you come out of ye Great Bay at ye north end upon a cove, a neck of land all on ye S.E. side between Geo. Webbs and that. More, two small spots lying by the water side, near to the above marsh, bounded upon ye south west side of ye Great Bay." Thomas and Grace Kenney of Dover, May 4, 1696, conveyed to Leonard Weeks of Greenland "three acres of meadow on the Great Bay, given by Ould Thomas Kenney to his son Thomas, deceased, as appears by a deed to his son Joseph." - Landmarks in Ancient Dover, New Hampshire by Mary P. Thompson

In a deed from Thomas Canney to his son-in-law Henry Hobbs, dated July 12, 1661, the grant to Thomas Canney in 1656 was bounded "southeast partly by Eschew River and partly by a certain parcell of Land yt was sometime possessed by Capt. Masons agent." A confirmation of the grant to Thomas Canney was made in 1661 and contains most the precise words of this deed. This might lead to the hasty conclusion that here Ambrose Gibbons built the Great House at Newichawannock. Instead here was the fish weir of Sagamore Rowls, with adjacent land for planting. Rowls conditionally relinquished his right to it in favor of Humphery Chadbourne, May 8, 1646, confirming a "Bargain of Saile" previously made, "my Right of the Ware at the Fales of the great River of Newichawannock known by the Name o Little John's Fales." Here all the servants of Capt. John Mason obtained fish by a former verbal agreement with Sagamore Rowls, called a "Bargain of Saile."' In 1702 Samuel Canney sold these three acres to the father of Ichabod Plaisted and he confirmed the sale by a deed to said Ichabod in 1722. The three acres were at a place called Hobbs Hole, a deep place in the river, into which Thomas Wallingford launched his ships. Wallingford bought the land of Plaisted, more land of Thomas Hobbs and still more of John Stackpole in 1737, till he owned all the present field between the Sligo Road and the river. When Wallingford's widow lived here the cove where the fish weir and the shipyard had been was called "Madam's Cove". All this belongs more properly to the history of Sligo and Vicinity, which I hope to publish. See N. H. Prov. Deeds VI, 172 and Dover's Old Book of records, p. 81 and York Deeds, 1, 6. 
292 I15006  CANNEY  Thomas  Abt 1606  15 May 1677  Thomas Canney was sent to Dover New Hampshire by Captain Mason in 1631 or earlier and took a lot near Captain Wiggins in 1634.His wife's name is unknown, but she must have emigrated as part of another family; their first child was born abt 1636.They had five children together.

We have 6 separate lines of descent, all on the Wright (Tucker) side through their three daughters: Jane, Mary, and Hannah.

Thomas was a signer of the Dover Combination. In 1652 he was excused from the court for military training because of impaired eyesight.

After his first wife died, Thomas married againin 1652 to a woman named Jane.Jane was in court twice. Once in 1652 for beating her husband and again in 1655 for beating Thomas' daughter Mary and Mary's husband,

Thomas Canney was sent over by Captain Mason on or before 1631. He took a lot of Captain Wiggins in 1634, which in 1647 was bounded thus: - "Butting upon ye high street west, and on ye east nere ye river of Nechechoewannicke, on ye lands of Joseph Austin, south and uppon ye land adioyning to ye spring north." He was taxed in 1648 and to 1668, and was alive in 1677. He had grants of land in 1652, 56 &c. He was a freeman in 1653. He was a sea captain and some have said he was from northern Scotland and belonged to the Campbell Clan. On 26 June 1661 "The Canney of Dover desireing the Court to free him from Comon training by reason he hath lost his eiesight, [it] is granted him." - Court Records.
In the autumn of 1637, the people formed a "Combination" for government and Rev. George Burdett was placed at the head. In the absence of government, the growing colony found it necessary to organize. "In witness wee have hereto Set our hands the two and twentieth day of October in the Sixteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God King of Great Brittain France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c. Anno. Dom. 1640" Thomas Canney, Richard Pinkham, John Heard, Robert Huggins, William Storer, William Furbur, John Damme and William Pomfret all signed this. The book "By The Name Of Kinnie" states that according to Mabel (Gould) Demers (formerly of #9 Stobie St., Waterville, ME) rearranged and amplified at Dunedin, FL 33528, 988 Philico Drive, 1971 by Mabel Demers Hinckley provides the information that Thomas Canney was a son of Sir Thomas Kinne and that his brothers William and John each spelled their names differently. This has not yet been verified by any other sources.1
Immigration: ABT 1631 Dover, Strafford, NH U. S. A.
Note: He was sent from England to NH by MASON, the patentee. He was in Portsmouth by 1631 and in Dover by 1644. 2
Residence: 1644 Dover, Strafford, NH U. S. A. 2
Residence: 1671 York, York, ME U. S. A. 3
Death: AFT JUN 1681 in Dover Neck, Strafford, NH U. S. A.
He died at Thompson's Point.


from GDMNH:

He was "last mentioned in court for intoxication June 1681." 
293 I1156  CANOL  Marie Anne  1651  1693  Pisquid, Minas Basin, New Brunswick, Canada  tree1 
294 I3248  CANTILUPE  John De  1247  1271  Coventry, Wiltshire, England  tree1 
295 I7295  CAPET  Hugh  941  24 Oct 996  Most historians regard the beginnings of modern France with the coronation of Hugh Capet. This is because, as Count of Paris, he made the city his power centre. The monarch began a long process of exerting control of the rest of the country from there.

He is regarded as the founder of the Capetian dynasty. The direct Capetians, or the House of Capet, ruled France from 987 to 1328; thereafter, the Kingdom was ruled by cadet branches of the dynasty. All French kings through Louis Philippe, and all royals since then, have belonged to the dynasty. Furthermore, cadet branches of the House continue to reign in Spain and Luxembourg.

All monarchs of the Kingdom of France from Hugh Capet to Philip II of France were titled King of the Franks. Philip II of France was the first to use the title of King of France. 
296 I8785  CAREY  SIR HENRY (Suspected son of Henry VIII)  4 Mar 1525  23 Jul 1596  From
Henry Fitzhugh, who is descended from Catherine Carey, was inspired by “The Other Boleyn Girl” to dig around into his family’s past to see if he really was descended from King Henry VIII. He has written an excellent article on his findings:-
In this article, he makes the following arguments as to why he believes that the Carey children could have been fathered by Henry VIII:-
· Henry Carey was said to have resembled Henry VIII.
· Henry Carey claimed in 1533 that he was “Our Sovereign Lord the King’s son”
· John Hale, Vicar of Isleworth, wrote in 1535 of how a monk at St Bridget’s Priory Abbey had pointed out “yongge Master Care” as being the King’s bastard son.
· The fact that Anne Boleyn became Henry Carey’s ward after the death of William Carey - Philippa Gregory reasons that this may have been so that the King had a legitimate heir if she was unable to provide him with a son.
· William Carey was rewarded with royal grants in 1524 and 1526, which are thought to have been the birth dates of Catherine and Henry Carey. Fitzhugh feels that the King was compensating Carey for the fact that these were not his biological children and for being a cuckold.
Henry Carey

· Henry VIII’s admittance of his affair with Mary Carey - Henry VIII admitted “affinity” and “consanguinity” with Mary Carey and Fitzhugh points out that this dispensation probably would not have been necessary if no children had resulted from the relationship.
· Both children were born inside the dates of the affair - It is thought that Henry would have expected Mary to be his alone and not to have any lovers, not even her husband. Some people suggest that Henry Carey may have been born after the affair but Catherine was definitely born in the right timeframe.
· Elizabeth I had much affection for the Carey children - Henry Carey was knighted by Elizabeth and made Baron Hunsdon. Elizabeth also visited him on his deathbed and gave him the patent and robes of the Earldom of Wiltshire. It is also said that when Elizabeth died, Henry Carey’s son, Robert, received the ring taken from the Queen’s hand. Catherine Carey had attended the Queen, was buried at Royal expense and given a prominent memorial on her death. Could all this suggest that Elizabeth recognised the Careys as more than her cousins?
297 I7369  CARLOMAN    706  17 Aug 754  He was a member of the family later called the Carolingians and it can be argued that he was instrumental in consolidating their power at the expense of the ruling Merovingian kings of the Franks. He withdrew from public life in 747 to take up the monastic habit, "the first of a new type of saintly king," according to Norman Cantor, "more interested in religious devotion than royal power, who frequently appeared in the following three centuries and who was an indication of the growing impact of Christian piety on Germanic society"  tree1 
298 I507  CAROLINGIEN  Bernard Charles II Martel  797  17 Apr 818  Vermandois, Normandy, France  tree1 
299 I507  CAROLINGIEN  Bernard Charles II Martel  797  17 Apr 818  Bernard was the illegitimate son of King Pepin of Italy, the second legitimate son of the Emperor Charlemagne. In 810, Pepin died from an illness contracted at a siege of Venice; although Bernard was illegitimate, Charlemagne allowed him to inherit Italy.  tree1 
300 I11379  CARON  Marie  28 Jul 1638  5 Jun 1660  Captured and killed by Huron and Iroquois raiders.  tree1 

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