
Matches 351 to 450 of 2,125

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
351 Beddenden, Kent, England EGGLETON, Sarah (I4233)
352 Before she was married, Ida was the mistress of King Henry II, by whom she was the mother of William Longspee, Knight and Earl of Salisbury

Ida de Tosny and her husband Roger are the main characters in Elizabeth Chadwick's The Time of Singing (Sphere, 2008), published in the USA as For the King's Favor. They appear as minor characters in other of her books set at the same time, notably To Defy a King, which concerns the marriage of their son Hugh to Maud, a daughter of William Marshal 
DE TOSNY, Ida (I7436)
353 before the High Altar at Lewes Priory, Sussex DE VERE, Joan (I10328)
354 Beheaded NEVILLE, Richard (I9193)
355 beheaded WOODVILLE, Richard (I10433)
356 beheaded GAVESTON, 1st Earl of Cornwall Piers (I17232)
357 Benjamin and Anne (maiden name unknown) Butterfield migrated to America where they are first found in Charlestown in 1638 and had moved to Woburn by 1643. He was one of thirty-two men who subscribed to the founding document at Woburn, and was made a freeman there on May 10, 1643. In 1653/4, he joined 29 others in petitioning to create what would become Chelmsford. His home and farm were located in what is now Lowell, Massachusetts. BUTTERFIELD, Benjamin (I10650)
358 Benjamin Church, a notable figure in colonial American military history, was born around 1639 in the Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts. His life story is deeply intertwined with the early history of New England and its complex colonial and indigenous relations.

Church's lineage traced back to the first English settlers in North America. His father, Richard Church, was a carpenter who arrived in the Plymouth Colony from England in the 1630s. Richard played a significant role in the development of the colony. Benjamin's mother, Elizabeth Warren, was the daughter of Richard Warren, a passenger on the Mayflower and a signer of the Mayflower Compact. This foundational document was crucial for the governance of the Plymouth Colony, highlighting the historical significance of Church's maternal lineage.(we are descended directly from Richard and Elizabeth through one of their younger son's, Caleb)

Growing up in the Plymouth Colony, Church was immersed in an environment that was at the forefront of early colonial and Native American interactions. His upbringing in this community, combined with his family's standing, likely influenced his later military career and his approach to relations with Native Americans. Church's understanding of Native American languages and culture, which became crucial in his military campaigns, may have been shaped by his experiences during his youth in the colony.

Church is best known for his role as a military leader during King Philip's War, a conflict between English colonists and Native Americans in New England. He developed innovative tactics in ranger warfare, adapting Native American techniques, which proved effective against the traditional European military strategies of the time. His approach was characterized by small, mobile units that could move quickly and strike effectively, a method that later influenced American military tactics.

Church's military career began with his commission by Governor Josiah Winslow to form a company of rangers following the outbreak of King Philip's War in 1675. His unit, comprising both Englishmen and Native Americans, was instrumental in tracking down and killing the Wampanoag sachem Metacomet (also known as King Philip), which significantly contributed to the end of the war.

During the French and Indian Wars, Church engaged in asymmetric warfare against the French and their indigenous allies. He led multiple expeditions into Acadia during King William's War and Queen Anne's War, employing tactics that combined traditional European methods with indigenous techniques. These tactics emphasized small, mobile, and flexible units adept at using the landscape for cover and surprise attacks, rather than relying on large formations and frontal assaults.

Church's approach to warfare was innovative for his time. He stressed the importance of thorough planning, proper training, and equipping of troops, and building alliances with potential allies, including Native Americans. His methods prioritized minimizing unnecessary damage and harm, utilizing stealth and surprise, and understanding the broader strategic objectives of each operation.

After King Philip's War, Church continued to play a role in colonial military affairs, including during subsequent conflicts such as Queen Anne's War. He authored an account of his experiences in King Philip's War, providing valuable insights into the conflict and the era. In addition to his military exploits, Church also held public office, serving as the first representative of Bristol to the Plymouth Colony legislature between 1682 and 1684.

respect, combined with his military prowess, earned him a significant place in the history of colonial America.

He passed away on January 17, 1718, in Little Compton, Rhode Island, where he was buried.

Church's legacy in military history is significant and his military career was marked by a mix of combat success and diplomatic efforts. He was known for his attempts to negotiate and his respect for his Native American adversaries, a trait not commonly found among colonial leaders of his time. This His memoirs, published posthumously as "Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's War," are considered by some as the first American military manual. His great-grandson, Dr. Benjamin Church, would later become the first "Surgeon General" of the Continental Army. Furthermore, Church's tactical innovations influenced the formation of later ranger units, such as Rogers Rangers and Gorham's Rangers. In 1992, he was inducted into the U.S. Army Ranger Hall of Fame, acknowledging his contributions to military tactics and strategy.

Benjamin Church's story is a fascinating blend of early American colonial history, military innovation, and cross-cultural interactions. His ancestry, rooted in the first settlers of New England, and his upbringing in the Plymouth Colony, shaped his unique approach to military leadership and diplomacy in a period marked by significant challenges and transformations. 
CHURCH, Colonel Benjamin (I3458)
359 Benjamin Penhallow Shillabar, brother-in-law to Henrietta, wrote the following tribute to her which appeared in the Portsmouth Journal 17 April 1871.

Death claims the victory when we sadly close
The coffin lid upon the precious dust,
And when we quaiff the chalice of our woes
With tearful eyes and hearts of feeble trust.
But when the anguish of the barb has flown,
And we look up from the concealing sod,
Tracking the path the loved and lost have gone,
We no more turn in anguish to the clod.
We see the Graces that our life has blest
Transferred to where they brighter still may shine;
Unmarred by blight of care, or pain distrest,
In airs beneficent and light devine.
Still holds its sway the undivided bond
That bound our soul below to that above,
As constant still, in its adhesion fond,
As when on earth 't was manifest in love.
Not sanctified, the mourned, but simply good,
Not free from earth's alloy or human taint,
But in the fullness of true womanhood
Was comprehended all that makes the saint.
The dignity, the counsel, sweet and wise,
The lender care, the gentle, loving voice,
The eloquence that pleaded from the eyes,
The thousand acts that made the heart rejoice--
And more than memories--they are still our own,
In the blest influence that they impart;
The loving glance, the tender voice's tone.
Still bide within the chambers of the heart.
We feel the touch of hands that disappeared,
Yet take our own in guidance as of old;
And the bright character that erst endeared,
Illumes and gladdens all it then controlled.
Such cannot die to us: the real lives
In that which made it real while 't was here,
And this grand faith the blest assurance gives,
That though the loved be gone they are still here.
Herein the victory over Death is shown:
The form is but the shrine, of tenure slight,
That may in the attack be overthrown,
While lives the spirit in unfailing light.
B. P. Shillaber 
DEWIT, Henrietta Jacoba (I1287)
360 BENJAMIN TUCKER, In 1765 he and his wife, with five sons and two
daughters, came from Leicester, Mass, and settled not far south of the
spot where the old meeting-house stood. As the house location turned
out to be next to the road that became the highway from Boston to
Keene, the log house was replaced with a structure used as a tavern,
and a place of entertainment. This house was the place where the
"proprietors" delighted to meet for the transaction of their business.
Mr. Tucker acted an important part in the early public meetings,
being often chosen as clerk, assessor or treasurer.

From the History of Marlborough 
TUCKER, Benjamin III (I2321)
361 Benjamin, along with a few others from the Roxbury area purchased an 8 square mile tract of land from the Indians for 15 pounds in 1684. Thi territory includes the present day Leicester, MA. In 1686 they purchased another tract for 20 pounds, now known as Hardwick, MA, most of Ware, and all of Warren, MA. He died intestate and his estate was appraised at 1491 pounds, 2 shillings, settled at the Boston probate court. TUCKER, Benjamin (I2307)
362 Bergavenny, Norfolk, England DECANTILUPE, Eve (I3256)
363 Berkhamsted, England Family: GAVESTON, 1st Earl of Cornwall Piers / DE CLARE, Countess of Gloucester, Countess of Cornwall Margaret (F12723)
364 Bernard died from acute colic at 7 months and 9 days.
His mother had died during childbirth (a couple of days after he was born). 
DEROCHEMONT, Bernard M (I298)
365 Bernard was the illegitimate son of King Pepin of Italy, the second legitimate son of the Emperor Charlemagne. In 810, Pepin died from an illness contracted at a siege of Venice; although Bernard was illegitimate, Charlemagne allowed him to inherit Italy. CAROLINGIEN, Bernard Charles II Martel (I507)
366 Bertha at the age of four was betrothed to Henry III's son, Henry IV (aged five) on 25 December 1055 in Zürich.[1] Bertha was raised in Germany thereafter. When she was fifteen, Bertha was crowned queen in Würzburg in June 1066 and married Henry on 13 July 1066 at the Königspfalz of Trebur.[2]

Although they had grown up together and Bertha was apparently a pretty young woman, the Saxon chronicler Bruno of Merseburg, an avowed opponent of Henry IV, reported on Henry's continual unfaithfulness: "He had two or three concubines at the same time, in addition [to his wife], yet he was not content. If he heard that someone had a young and pretty daughter or wife, he instructed that she be supplied to him by force. (...) His beautiful and noble wife Bertha (...) was in such a manner hated by him that he never saw her after the wedding any more than necessary, since he had not celebrated the wedding out of free will."[3] 
SAVOY, Bertha of (I17655)
367 Bertrade and Fulk were married,[1] and they became the parents of a son, Fulk, but in 1092 Bertrade left her husband and took up with King Philip I of France. Philip married her on 15 May 1092, despite the fact that they both had spouses living. He was so enamoured of Bertrade that he refused to leave her even when threatened with excommunication. Pope Urban II did excommunicate him in 1095, and Philip was prevented from taking part in the First Crusade. Astonishingly, Bertrade persuaded Philip and Fulk to be friends. MONTFORT, Bertrade of (I2227)
368 Berwick MASON OR NASON, John (I16056)
369 Bethóc was the eldest daughter of the Malcolm II of Scotland, who had no known surviving sons. She married Crínán, Abbot of Dunkeld. Their older son, Donnchad I, ascended to the throne of Scotland around 1034. Malcolm's youngest daughter married Sigurd Hlodvirsson, Earl of Orkney.[1] Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne.

In this period, the Scottish throne still passed in Picto-Gaelic matrilineal fashion, from brother to brother, uncle to nephew, and cousin to cousin. 
MACALPIN, Princess Bethóc (I7310)
370 Beverston, Somerset, England UPTON #, Marie (I7388)
371 Bickford's Garrison survived the Oyster River Massacre of 1694 
BICKFORD, Thomas (I9378)
372 BillionGraves. Billiongraves. Digital images. Source (S1199)
373 Birth Certificates, 1631-1920. New Hampshire Department of State. Concord, New Hampshire. Source (S2156)
374 Birth record indicates that Mary Libby is the daughter of Benjamin Libby and Sarah LIBBY, Mary (I2920)
375 Birth records in Lynn show a Samuel Shoor born to Jonathan Shoore on this day. SHOREY, Samuel (I6691)
376 Birth: unknown
Death: Sep. 29, 1691

. . . . . . . . . .
As recorded by H.I. Brackett in 1907 . . . The blow fell on Tuesday, September 28, 1691. On that day were killed Anthony Brackett and his wife; also, on that day were made captives two children of his son, John Brackett.
. . . . . . . . . .
AKA . . .
:: Often referred to as Eleanor, possibly due to misinterpretation of something in the will of Anthony Brackett.
:: NOT Elizabeth Cleeve, who is actually her son's mother-in-law
:: NOT daughter of George Cleeve, who is actually the grandfather of her daughter-in-law
:: NOT daughter of Michael Mitton, who is actually the father-in-law to two of her sons
:: NOT Susanna Drake, who is actually her daughter-in-law
. . . . . . . . . .
(POSSIBLY PRICE), Eleanor Unknown (I8695)
377 Birth: 1580
Essex, EnglandDeath: 1665
Plymouth County
Massachusetts, USA
Roger Chandler of Colchester England, married Isabella Chilton at Leiden, Holland on 21 July 1615.

Isabella Chilton was the older daughter of Mayflower passengers James and Susanna Chilton.

He was taxed in Plymouth 25 March 1633, and listed as a freeman the same year. This is believed to be the earliest record of him in New England.

He was enumerated among those able to bear arms in Duxbury in 1643, and sold land there in 1644.

He was listed among freemen of Duxbury in a tally presumed taken in 1658.

In October 1665 the Plymouth Court granted 150 acres of land to the three (unnamed) daughters of Roger Chandler deceased.

At least four children of Roger and Isabella have been identified:

1. Samuel was born in Leiden before 15 Oct 1622.

2. Sarah was born in Leiden before 15 Oct 1622. She married Solomon Leonard/Leonardson about 1640 and had six children. He died in Bridgewater before 1 May 1671. She died in Bridgewater before 27 Oct 1675.

3. Martha was born probably in the late 1620s. She married John Bundy by 1649 and had six children. She died in Taunton on 1 May 1674. He died in Taunton in 1681.

4. Mary was likely born in the late 1620s. She married
Edmund Bruff by 1653 and had one son. She probably is the "Mary, wife of Edmund Burfe" who died in Boston on
August 15, 1658.

Part of the evidence for these children is a deed from Plymouth Colony to the daughters dated October 1665 in which Roger Chandler is reported to be deceased.

Roger died probably at Duxbury, between 1658 and Oct 3, 1665.

[The above information was compiled and sorted from numerous sources.]

Family links:
Isabell Chilton Chandler (1587 - ____)*

Sarah Chandler Leonard (____ - 1675)*
Sarah Chandler Simmons (1622 - 1675)*
Martha Chandler Bundy (1628 - 1674)*

*Calculated relationship Burial:
Created by: Michael Duffy
Record added: Jan 09, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 103338358
CHANDLER, Roger (I11228)
378 Birth: Jul. 14, 1765
Norfolk County
Massachusetts, USADeath: Aug. 15, 1813
Norfolk County
Massachusetts, USA
Nabby Adams Smith was the eldest child and only surviving daughter of John and Abigail Adams and the sister of John Quincy Adams. She married William Stephens Smith in London on June 12, 1786 while her parents were in residence there but the marriage was not a happy one. Abandoned on numerous occasions while her husband went "seeking his fortune", Nabby showed herself to be a true child of her parents, strong-willed, uncomplaining and able to keep herself and her children together under one roof, earning the unstinting respect of John and Abigail and of John Quincy, who loved her dearly ... one of the few people he did love dearly.

In October of 1811, Nabby discovered a lump in her breast and a mastectomy was performed without any anesthesia. Her parents were holding her hands during the brutal surgery and, according to John, she never cried out once. After recuperating at the Adams homestead in Quincy, she returned to her dreary life in New York. But the cancer proved too much for even Nabby's resilient spirit and, in the summer of 1813, in agony, she returned to her parents in Quincy and died in The Old Homestead. The elderly John Adams grieved in a letter to his old friend Thomas Jefferson: "Your friend, my only Daughter, expired, yesterday morning .... in the 49th Year of her age, 46 of which she was the healthiest and firmest of us all. Since which, She has been a monument to Suffering and to Patience." It has been said that neither John nor Abigail ever truly recovered from her death.

Cause of death: Breast cancer

Family links:
John Adams (1735 - 1826)
Abigail Smith Adams (1744 - 1818)

William Stephens Smith (1755 - 1816)

William Stebens Smith (1787 - 1850)*
Caroline Amelia Smith De Windt (1795 - 1852)*


John Quincy Adams (1767 - 1848)
Grace Susanna Adams (1768 - 1770)
Charles Adams (1770 - 1800)
Thomas Boylston Adams (1772 - 1832)

Hancock Cemetery
Norfolk County
Massachusetts, USA
Plot: Old cemetery across the road from the church 
ADAMS, Abigail Amelia (I469)
379 Blount, Priscilla. "The Family of William and Sarah (Henney) Tarr of Gloucester, Massachusetts, and Harpswell, Maine". The Maine Genealogist: Jourmal of the Maine Genealogical Society. November 2016, Vol. 38 (No. 4). Online archives. Maine Roots. : 2023. Source (S3383)
380 Bockland, Berkshire, England BESSILES, THOMAS (I723)
381 Born illegitimate JACKSON, Unknown (I16972)
382 Born in April 1620 in Yoxford, Suffolk, England, Daniel's life was a tapestry of various roles and responsibilities that shaped the early American colonial experience.

Daniel arrived in Kittery around 1652, a time when the area was evolving from a rugged wilderness into a structured settlement. He quickly established himself as a man of many talents and trades. Not only was he a surveyor, mapping out the lands that would form the backbone of the community, but he also became an innkeeper, providing a gathering place for the settlers and travelers. His inn was more than just a place of rest; it was a hub of social and political activity, albeit sometimes the center of "disturbances" that brought him into the local court's attention.

In his personal life, Daniel was first married to Margaret Spencer, daughter of Thomas and Patience (Chadbourne) Spencer, linking him to some of the area's most influential families. Margaret, a descendant of William Chadbourne, brought with her a connection to the early settlers who played a pivotal role in developing South Berwick. Together, Daniel and Margaret had a large family, with children who continued to contribute to the community's growth. Their children, Daniel, James, Thomas, William, Moses, Patience, Elizabeth, and Sarah, each wove their threads into the fabric of Kittery's history.

After Margaret's passing, Daniel married Sarah Sanders, the widow of Peter Turbet, further extending his family and influence. Professionally, Daniel was a man of the community. He served as a town commissioner, constable, sergeant, and on various juries, including a coroner's and grand jury. His involvement in local governance was a testament to his commitment to the community's welfare and order.

Daniel's contributions to the area were not limited to his professional roles. He was one of the founders of the church in South Berwick in 1702, marking his influence in the spiritual life of the community. His role in the church's establishment underscored the importance of faith and communal gathering in the early colonial period.

As a large landed proprietor, Daniel played a significant role in shaping the physical landscape of South Berwick. He received his initial land grant in 1654 and, over the years, acquired more, which he eventually distributed among his sons, ensuring his legacy would continue through his family.

In his later years, Daniel deeded the homestead to his son Thomas, ensuring his and his wife's care. He passed away before March 16, 1713, in Kittery, leaving behind a legacy as a foundational figure in the early American colonial narrative. His burial in South Berwick, York County, Maine, marked the end of an era for one of the area's most influential pioneers. 
GOODWIN, Daniel (I8463)
383 Born in Boucherville but baptized in Montreal LAFONTAINE, Jacques Menard (I14001)
384 Borrowed from

The Allen Co. Public Library in Ft. Wayne, IN has a photocopy of a book
entitled "Memorial : Genealogical, Historical, & Biographical, of Solomon
LEONARD" (1896) by Manning LEONARD [cat. # GC 929.2 L553L]. It has a
lengthy biography of Solomon LEONARD. Following is a very brief
summary of some of the highlights :
The name "LEONARD" is a very ancient one and is a surname which was
derived fron the Christian given name, "Leo" and carries the basic idea of
lion-hearted. It is strange that those of the family who attained the
honor of knighthood chose the head of a tiger, rather than of a lion, for
use on their crest.
Solomon's father, Samuel,a dissenter, migrated to Leyden, Holland (The
temporary home of the Pilgrims who came to Plymouth Colony on the
MAYFLOWER in 1620) from the environs of the town of Bristol in
Monmouthshire, England. It is possible that Samuel came to America
with Solomon, but if he did, he died shortly afterwards. The exact date
is not known, but was most likely around 1629-1630. At first, Solomon
was engaged in the service of Plymouth Colony Company, then he became
a settler in Duxbury. He held land there at "Blue Fish", which is in the
northern part of the village by the bay, when the town was incorporated
in 1637. Surviving deeds from the early days of the settlement reveal
that Solomon was a neighbor of others of our ancestors - John Alden,
Constant Southworth, and George Soule.
Solomon married sometime before 1640 . All we know of his wife is
that she was named Mary. They had many children, most probably born in
Duxbury, and several dying young. Unfortunately, Duxbury lost all of its
town records prior to 1654 due to fire. The Colony records of births and
deaths prior to 1647 have also been lost.
Associated with Miles Standish, John Alden, Constant Southworth,
William Bradford, and others - 54 in all - Solomon became one of the
original proprietors of the town of Bridgewater (Mass.) and was one of
the earliest settlers there. This would have been sometime between
1645 and 1656, when the town was officially incorporated. It is also
mentioned in this work that another of our ancestors, Guido Bailey, was
prominent in the early history of Bridgewater.
Solomon's primary occupation would have been farmer, but, especially
later in life, he also did some weaving. He is referred to as a weaver in
the settlement of his estate, but this is the only time he is known to
have been referred to as such.
Solomon is last mentioned in Colony records in March 1658-9. He was
most likely buried in the ancient graveyard at West Bridgewater, but the
site of his grave is not known.

Childern : Samuel - born about 1643 /
m. (1) Abigail Wood
(2) Deborah______
John - born about 1645 / m. Sarah (Chandler ?)
JACOB [our ancestor]
Isaac - born about 1650 / m. Deliverance _______
Solomon - born after 1650 / m. Mary _______
Mary - born after 1650 / m. 24 Dec 1653 John Pollard

Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Vol.2, pp.10-11 deduces
that Solomon prob. arrived in Plymouth about 1631. This source gives
only one wife for him, SARAH CHANDLER, the mother of his children.

However, Jim Angel emailed me on 5 Feb
1996 :
Jim, Thanks for the info. First of all, the confusion over Solomon
LEONARD was clarified for me by one of the "silver books", The
Descendents of the Mayflower vol.2 (I think, it's at home), which
discussed Manning LEONARD's work. from which I have already made some
copies, thanks. Anyway they refute Manning's claim Mary and put
Solomon's wife as Sarah Chandler, daughter of Roger and Isabella
(Chilton) Chandler of Leyden, they make a pretty strong case of it but I
can't remember the details off the top of my head. What adds to the
confusion is that John LEONARD b.1645 Duxbury, son of Solomon and
Sarah, married abt 1670 another Sarah Chandler b. abt 1648 Duxbury.
It seems to me that back then not much distinction was made between
the 3 Chandler girls. Roger's will isn't very clear nor are the records of
which one was Solomon's wife. It probably wasn't too important for
most people.
I find it very probable that Edmund and Roger were probably brothers,
and that the name came down through Edmund and not Roger. That
community was pretty tight back then and it seems most of those that
came in the 1630's were not Coming over for the weather. Most of
them new somebody. Roger and Isabella, for example, were part of the
original Leyden, Holland contingent of the Pilgrims, and, were following
after Isabella's family. Her parents James and Susanna (Furner) Chilton
came on the Mayflower with her younger sister Mary. Unfortunately her
parents died that first winter, but Mary was there.
Unfortunately, I'm at work and don't have much info with me. So, most
of this rambling is coming off the top of my head. I think at this point
any easy leads are going to come through Edmund going back and then if
my speculation is right back down to Roger. But, then again...
From: ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM, Frederick Virkus



The Standard Genealogical Encyclopedia of
F. A. VIRKUS & COMPANY Genealogical Publishers
440-442 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, Ill.

A compendium of family genealogies that includes practically every name distinguished in the early history of the country, Vol. I

8-Solomon LEONARD (d 1686), from Eng. to Duxbury, original propr. at Bridgewater, m Mary -----;

4-Nancy (1784-1863), m Caleb Francis LEONARD
(desc. Solomon LEONARD);
From: Stacey's book search list: http://Mc Duffie/~Mcclean/genea.html

MEMORIAL : GENEALOGICAL, HISTORICAL, AND BIOGRAPHICAL, SOLOMON LEONARD, 1637, OF DUXBURY AND BRIDGEWATER, MASSACHUSETTS, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS by Manning LEONARD. Press of Kanpp, Peck & Thomson; Auburn, New York. 1896 452 p. HB; near vg; black cloth. 3/4" closed crack at top of spine cover; engraved portraits; No. 141 of 300 copies; front end paper repaired. LEONARD family genealogy primarily in New England, also other locations. $ 145.00


From The Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, p. 11.

Solomon LEONARD was first recorded in Duxbury in 1637, and in May 1638 was "promised lands on Duxburrow side, (in part of those due to him for his service)." This was probably the usual recompense to a servant; since normal service was seven years, we surmise that Solomon prob. arrived in Plymouth ca. 1631. In Feb. 1638/9 he received a grant of 25 acres. In 1645 he received a share of land in what later became Bridgewater, to which he removed soon after 1649. He was living there in 1658/9.

On 1 May 1671 Samuel LEONARD of Bridgewater confirmed that his deceased father, Solomon LEONARD, had given land to "my brother John LEONARD." Strangely, Samuel did not post bond as administrator of his father, Solomon deceased, until 27 Oct. 1675, at which time the failure to mention the widow of Solomon implies that Sarah had already died. In the disposition of this estate, "Samuel LEONARDson" is called the eldest son, John second son, with equal division among "the rest of the children." In a deed 10 May 1677 to his brother "Isack LEONARDson," Samuel LEONARDson mentions brothers John, Jacob, and Solomon.


From "Some Ancestors and Descendants of Avery LEONARD," by Harry S. Balaine, Gordon A. Blaine Press, Toledo, Ohio, 1933.

The earliets LEONARD in America of which we have any definitive record is SOLOMON LEONARD, who is on record as a landowner in Duxbury (now Bridgewater), Massachusetts as early as 1629 and was evidently of that illustrious Plymouth Colont. Tradition says he came over with the Earl of Warwick. This statement, hoever, is unverified except that it is known that the Earl of Warwick did come to Plymouth Colony in 1627. Solomon LEONARD was born about 1610 and married Mary (sic)____about 1640.

From "

From "The History of North Bridgewater" King, Bradford. This book contains the history of North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, from it's earliest settlement to the present time, that focuses on the family resgistries.

Bibliographic Information: Kingsman, Bradford. Boston, Massachusetts, 1866.



Grant of Plantation.--Bridgewater purchased of the Indians.--Division of the
Town.--Petition of the North Precinct to be set off a separate Town.--Charter
for a Precinct.--First Meeting of the same

TO give a clear account of the early settlement of the town of North Bridgewater, it will be necessary to give some account of the origin of the town, its connection with and its identity with the parent town of Bridgewater, and a brief account of its having been set off from Duxbury, and the purchase of the Indians. The ancient town of Bridgewater--then comprising what is now North, East, West, and South Bridgewater, or Bridgewater proper--was formerly a plantation granted to Duxbury, in 1645, as a compensation for the loss of territory they had sustained in the setting apart of Marshfield from them in the year 1640. The grant was in the following language:--

"The inhabitants of the town of Duxbury are granted a competent proportion of lands about Saughtuchquett (Satucket), towards the west, for a plantation for them, and to have it four miles every way from the place where they shall set up their centre; provided it intrench not upon Winnytuckquett, formerly granted to Plymouth. And we have nominated Capt. Miles Standish, Mr. John Alden, George Soule, Constant Southworth, John Rogers, and William Brett, to be feofees in trust for the equal dividing and laying forth the said lands to the inhabitants."

How these lands were divided, or what should entitle any one to a share, no record appears to show. Gov. Hinckley, in his confirmatory deed, says that the "inhabitants agreed among themselves." There were fifty-four proprietors,--each of whom held one share,--the names of whom are as follows: William Bradford, William Merrick, John Bradford, Abraham Pierce, John Rogers, George Partridge, John Starr, Mr. William Collier, Christopher Wadsworth, Edward Hall, Nicholas Robbins, Thomas Hayward, Mr. Ralph Partridge, Nathaniel Willis, John Willis, Thomas Bonney, Mr. Miles Standish, Love Brewster, John Paybody, William Paybody, Francis Sprague, William Bassett, John Washburn, John Washburn, Jr., John AMES, Thomas Gannett, William Brett, Edmund Hunt, William Clarke, William Ford, Mr. Constant Southworth, John Cary, Edmund Weston, Samuel Tompkins, Edmund Chandler, Moses Simmons, John Irish, Philip Delano, Arthur Harris, Mr. John Alden, John Forbes, Samuel Nash, Abraham Sampson, George Soule, Experience MITCHELL, Henry Howland, Henry Sampson, John Brown, John Howard, Francis West, William Tubbs, James Lendall, Samuel Eaton, Solomon LEONARD. To these shares were afterward added two more shares,--one to Rev. James Keith, of Scotland, their first minister; and the other to Deacon Samuel Edson, of Salem, who erected the first mill in the town,--making fifty-six shares.

This grant was considered as little more than an authority or right to purchase it of the natives. For this purpose, Capt. Miles Standish, Samuel Nash, and Constant Southworth, were appointed a committee to make the purchase; which they did, as appears by the following instruments:--

WITNESS THESE PRESENTS, that I, Ousamequin, Sachem of the Country of Poconocket, have given, granted, enfeofed, and sold unto Miles Standish of Duxbury, Samuel Nash and Constant Southworth of Duxbury aforesaid, in behalf of all the townsmen of Duxbury aforesaid, a tract of land usually called Satucket, extending in the length and breadth thereof as followeth: that is to say, from the wear at Satucket seven miles due east, and from the said wear seven miles due west, and from the said wear seven miles due north, and from the said wear seven miles due south; the which tract the said Ousamequin hath given, granted, enfeofed, and sold unto the said Miles Standish, Samuel Nash, and Constant Southworth, in the behalf of all the townsmen of Duxbury, as aforesaid, with all the immunities, privileges, and profits whatsoever belonging to the said tract of land, with all and singular all woods, underwoods, lands, meadows, rivers, brooks, rivulets, &c., to have and to hold, to the said Miles Standish, Samuel Nash, and Constant Southworth, in behalf of all the townsmen of the town of Duxbury, to them and their heirs forever. In witness whereof, I, the said Ousamequin, have hereunto set my hand this 23d of March, 1649.

Witness the mark of ?? OUSAMEQUIN.

In consideration of the aforesaid bargain and sale, we, the said Miles Standish, Samuel Nash, and Constant Southworth, do bind ourselves to pay unto the said Ousamequin, for and in consideration of the said tract of land, as followeth:--

7 coats, a yard and a half in a coat.
9 hatchets.
8 hoes.
20 knives.
4 moose-skins.
10 yards and a half of cotton.

This contract is said to have been made on what was called "Sachem's Rock," in East Bridgewater, a little south of Whitman's Mills, and near the house of the late David Kingman.

This Ousamequin, sometimes called Ossamequin, was no other than Massasoit himself, who, in the latter part of his life, had adopted that name. The deed written by Capt. Miles Standish, one of the original planters of the Colony, and signed with the mark of the Sachem, is still in existence. When the old Sachem was called upon to execute his deed, he endeavored to make it as sure as possible. For that purpose, he affixed a mark in the shape of a ??.

Thus we have seen that the original town of Bridgewater, comprising the territory now known as North, East, West, and South Bridgewater, was purchased by Capt. Miles Standish and others for the trifling sum of seven coats, nine hatchets, eight hoes, twenty knives, four moose-skins, and ten and a half yards of cotton; the whole not amounting to thirty dollars in value.

This town was the first interior settlement in the old Colony. The grant of the plantation, as we have seen, was in 1645, and the settlement made in 1650. The first settlers had a house-lot of six acres each on the town river, and the place was called Nuckatest, or Nuncketetest. The first lots were taken up at West Bridgewater; first houses built and the first improvements made there. The settlement was compact,--the house-lots being contiguous,--with a view for mutual protection and aid against the Indians; and, as a further protection from the natives, they erected a stockade or garrison on the south side of the river, and fortified many of their dwellings. It is said that not more than one-third of the original fifty-six proprietors ever removed and became inhabitants of their new settlement. From this original home, the settlers scattered into other portions of the town, extending their dwellings first into the south part of the town, toward Nippenicket Pond, on the road to Taunton, whither they were in the habit of going either to mill or to trade; and we are told they frequently went to that place on foot, with the grists on their backs, a distance of several miles.

The last settled part of the town was the north, which was not till after 1700; no permanent settlement being made in what was called the North Parish till after that time, and the settlers were mostly from the West Parish, now called West Bridgewater.

The plantation remained to Duxbury until June, 1656, when it was incorporated into a distinct and separate town in the following concise language:--

"ORDERED, That henceforth Duxborrow New Plantation bee allowed to bee a tounshipe of ytselfe, destinct from Duxborrow, and to bee called by the name of Bridgewater. Provided that all publicke rates bee borne by them with Duxborrow upon equally proportions." The court settled the rates to be paid by the proprietors as follows:--

"The town of Bridgewater is to bear one part of three with Duxbury, of their proportion of the country rates for the officers' wages and other public charges."

Previous to the incorporation of the town, the plantation had been called Bridgewater; but, of the origin of the name, we have nothing authentic, except a matter of fancy for a town in England of that name; and, from the time of its settlement, the town has maintained a strong position in the history of the country.

The town continued a united and harmonious whole until 1715, when a petition was sent to General Court to be set off into a separate parish or precinct; the petitioners representing themselves as inhabitants of the easterly part of Bridgewater. A committee of two in the Council, and three of the House, was appointed to examine into the matter; who attended to their duties, and reported in favor of granting their request; which was accepted, and an act of incorporation passed June 1, 1716, with this condition:--

"That the whole town stand obliged to an honorable maintenance of the Rev. James Keith, their present aged minister, if he should outlive his powers and capacities of discharging the office and duty of their minister."

The new parish was called the South, and the old one the North, Precinct, which then included the West and what is now North Bridgewater. In 1723, that part of the old North Precinct now known as East Bridgewater, then known as the West Parish, was set off, and constituted a precinct called the East Parish, in Dec. 14, 1723; and May 31, 1738, fifty-five individuals, belonging in the old North Parish, sent a petition to the General Court, asking to be set off into a separate township; which petition was so far granted as to allow them the powers and privileges usually allowed to parishes. The following is a copy of petition and the act of incorporation:--

To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esqr., Captin General and Governour
in Chief in and over his Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in
New England, and to the Honourable his Majesties Council and House of
Representatives in Generil Court Assembled at Boston, on the 31st of
May, 1738, the Petition of us, the Subscribers, Inhabitants of the Town
of Bridgewater, Consisting Chiefly of the North part of the west precinct,
and two Familys of the East precinct, in sd Town,--

From SallyAnn Joiner GED:

2 DATE 1640
2 PLAC Plymouth Colony, MA
2 NOTE Marriage of Solomon LEONARD and PILGRIM Sarah Chandler is listed in
3 CONC the MAYFLOWER INDEX. See MF5G, Volume 2:10. Children listed in
3 CONC MF5G, Volume 2:11. {proven} Solomon LEONARD was engaged in the
3 CONC service of Plymouth Colony Company, then he became a Planter in
3 CONC Duxbury. Land Records: Solomon LEONARD owned land in Duxbury at
3 CONC "Blue Fish" which is in the northern part of the village by the Bay
3 CONC when the town was incorporated in 1637. Surviving deeds from the
3 CONC early days of the settlement reveal that Solomon was a neighbor of
3 CONC others of our ancestors: John Alden, Constant Southworth, and George
3 CONC Soule. Plymouth Colony records in Duxbury list Solomon LEONARD as
3 CONC serving in the Plymouth Colony Militia under Captian Myles Standish,
3 CONC betw 1730-1740. [DAR Patriots, p 249, vol 29]

[S00237] Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Vol. 15, Family of James Chilton originally by Robert Moody Sherman and Verle Delano Cincent, Revised by Robert S. Wakefield, (Name: Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1997;), F63 M39, 9929' .2'0973, 75-30145; ISBN 0-930270-16., pp 8-9.

[S00241] Memorial, Genealogical, Historical, and Biographical, of Solomon LEONARD, 1637, of Duxbury and Bridgewater, Massachusetts, Manning LEONARD, (Name: 454 pp; 1896; Published on demand by Higginson Book Co., 148 Washington Street, Salem, MA. 01970;), GC 929.2 L553L.. 
LEONARD, Solomon (I11225)
385 Boston Births from A.D. 1700 to A.D. 1800
Source (S1846)
386 Boston, Massachusetts. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1891-1943. Micropublication T843. RG085. 454 rolls. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Boston, Massachusetts. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1820-1891. Micropublication M277. RG036. 115 rolls. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

A full list of sources can be found here.

Source (S1950)
387 Boston, Massachusetts. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1891-1943. Micropublication T843. RG085. 454 rolls. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Boston, Massachusetts. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1820-1891. Micropublication M277. RG036. 115 rolls. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

A full list of sources can be found here.

Source (S2775)
388 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, North America PARKER, Mary (I2775)
389 Bosworth, Leicestershire, England/Bosworth, Leicestershire, England DE HARCOURT, Sir Thomas (I594)
390 Both of Anna’s parents had lost their ability to hear and speak as children. History credits them with developing a form of sign language that allowed them to communicate. Cotton Mather wrote about the family and indicated that all heir children, Anna included, learned to speak “sooner with eyes and hands than by their lips.”
PRATT, Anna (I7877)
391 Both of James' parents are listed as "entertainers" on his marriage record but were living in different states. I think he is probably the same James Frear born 13 Oct 1917 and died Sept 1982, but I am not sure. That James Morris Frear is buried in the Riverside National Cemetery in California. The last social security benefit was sent to Glendale, California 91209. FREAR, James Maurice (I1738)
392 Both signed the marriage contract Family: BABIER DIT LE MINIME, Gilbert / DELAVAUX, Catherine (F9243)
393 Both unable to sign marriage contract Family: CARON, Robert I / CREVET, Marie (F9132)
394 Boucherville NORMANDIN BEAUSOLEIL, Céleste (I347)
395 Boucherville, Quebec, Canada RENAUD, Louis dit Deslauriers (I194)
396 Boucherville, Quebec, Canada DENOYON, Gabrielle (I195)
397 Boucherville, Quebec, Canada RENAUD, Madeleine (I792)
398 Boucherville, Quebec, Canada Family: DUBUC, Pascal / RENAUD, Madeleine (F199)
399 Boucherville, Quebec, Canada DENOYON, Gabrielle (I195)
400 Bourne, Lincolnshire, , England DE GANT, Agnes (I582)
401 Brailsford,Derbyshire England,,United Kingdom BASSETT, Thomas (I5022)
402 Braintree/Norfolk/MA BOYLSTON, Ann (I443)
403 Brecknock, Surrey, England DEBRAOSE, William Iva (I3274)
404 Brownsholme, Wiltshire, England PARKER, Deacon Thomas (I2727)
405 Bruce, Robert de IV d. before 1191, son of Robert III, was married in 1183 to Isabel, daughter of William the Lion, by a daughter of Robert Avenel, when he was given the manor of Haltwhistle in Tyndale as her dowry Family: BRUCE, Robert IV / DUNKELD, Isabella (F7313)
406 Brusee, Normandy, France Family: DE BRAOSE, William / DE SAINT CLARE, Agnes (F947)
407 Burges, Flanders, France COUNTESS OF FLANDERS, Matilda (I451)
408 burial at Independence, Missouri Mound Grove Cemetery ELLIS, Cora Belle (I16883)
409 Burial in Plantation Le Resouvenir, Demerara-Mahaica, Guyana DEROCHEMONT, Carel Pieter Wlhelm (I1216)
410 Burial in Plantation Le Resouvenir, Demerara-Mahaica, Guyana VESTJENS DE ROCHEMONT, Maria Margot Margaretha Vestjeris (I2178)
411 Burial: Pine Grove Cemetery Hampton Rockingham County New Hampshire, USA Find A Grave Memorial# 16886188 COTTON, Rev. Seaborn (I2163)
412 Burial: Unknown Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?] Created by: P Fazzini Record added: Aug 01, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 55706426 BRADSTREET, Dorothy (I2131)
413 Buried at Pine Hill Cemetery in Dover, NH SHOREY, Elspy Mae (I418)
414 buried at Scone Abbey MAUDE, Countess of Huntingdon Queen (I9268)
415 buried at Stanlow Abbey LACY, Roger (I10307)
416 Buried in Cote de La Montagne cemetery LANGLOIS, Robert (I13778)
417 Buried in Cote de La Montagne cemetery; may have died in the pestilence fever epidemic of that year GRENIER, Francoise (I12979)
418 Buried in Durham Cathedral NEVILLE, Maud (I9168)
419 Buried in family plot in Harmony Grove Cemetery. Service held by Rev. Gardiner the pastor of the Court St Christian Church ADAMS, Mary Jane (I737)
420 Buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Weston, VT TUCKER, Joseph (I185)
421 Buried in Newington NUTTER, James W Jr. (I173)
422 buried in Pine Hill Cemetery where the following inscription appears on his gravestoneaaaaaaa; 'Dea. John Hayes the 1st born of the Pilgrim fathers of the N. E. Hayes family Died 3 July 1759 age 73 years.'" HAYES, John (I3985)
423 buried Newark Abbey, Nottinghamshire LANCASTER, Henry of (I8885)
424 Buried on 8/12/1963 Arlington National Cemetery, VA. From Death Certificate: Cause of death: Rheumatic heart disease, old _____ with mitral insufficiency and congestive heart failure. Funeral director: H.W. Mears & Son, 805 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore. GINTY, Honore "Norah" Katherine (I19099)
425 Buried St. Thomas Churchyard DE PINTO, Beatrix (I7072)
426 By 1930 Joseph owned his home valued at $8000 (equivalent of about $128,000 in 2022). He was able to read and write.His last occupation was a "laster." Their home address eas 446 Western Ave. in Lynn, MA. The household owned a radio. RAYMOND, Joseph Gabriel (I309)
427 By John McBean at St. James church MCKENZIE, James (I5056)
428 by Rev Isaac Hasey Family: PERKINS, Richard / GARLAND, Abigail (F881)
429 By the marriage of Thomas Jocelyn with Maud Hide the manor of the Hide, or Hide Hall, as it was later called, passed into the possession of the Josselyn family, who held it for almost six hundred and fifty years, until, in 1897, it passed by will to Sophia, widow of the fifth Earl of Roden, a nobleman who had died without male issue. A charter of "Thomas son of John" is still preserved in the family JOSLYN, Thomas (I20081)
430 Came with his maternal uncle Captain Andrews on the ship Angel Gabriel which was wrecked off the coast of Maine BURNHAM, Robert (I10128)
431 Candlemas Massacre
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An early incendiary attack
The Candlemas Massacre took place in early 1692 during King William's War, when an estimated 150 Abenakis commanded by officers of New France entered the town of York, Maine, killing about 100 of the English settlers and burning down buildings, taking another estimated 80 villagers hostage, on a forced walk to Canada,[1] where they were ransomed by Capt. John Alden of Boston (son of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins of the Plymouth Colony), who would soon be accused of witchcraft in the Salem witch trials. The Indians set fire to all undefended houses on the north side of the York River, the principal route for trade and around which the town had grown. After the settlement was reduced to ashes, however, it was rebuilt on higher ground at what is today York Village.

Although often referred to as the "Candlemas Massacre," Candlemas is traditionally celebrated by the Catholic Church on February 2, forty days after Christmas (or by the Church of England on that day or the Sunday between January 28 and February 3), the attack is reported in the diary of Samuel Sewall as having taken place on January 25 or 26:

"Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1691/2.... This was brought of an Attack made by the Indians on York."[2]
Today the event is commemorated annually in York, with historical re-enactments and lectures, events presented by the Old York Historical Society and sponsored in part by the Maine Humanities Council.

History of York, Maine (1886)
^ Portsmouth Herald Maine News: York commemorates Candlemas Raid
^ The Diary of Samuel Sewall: Vol. 1, 1674-1708, Farrar, Straus & Girous: New York, 1973, p. 287 
ADAMS, Philip (I16118)
432 Canfield, Essex, England SANFORD, Alice (I10331)
433 Canterbury, Dorset, England SPRAGUE, Edward (I3482)
434 Capt. Anthony Eames, the youngest of Thomas and Millicent Eames’ five children, embarked on a transformative journey from England to America in 1633. At about 23, upon his father's death in 1618, Anthony's life took a decisive turn. His active involvement in local affairs as Churchwarden and Constable of Fordington Manor was a prelude to his decision to emigrate, inspired by letters from his sister-in-law Alice's brothers, who were among the early settlers in Charlestown.

Sailing on the "Recovery" from Weymouth on March 31, 1633, Anthony, his wife Margery, and their children, including their last child Abigail born around 1632, arrived in New England. They first settled in Charlestown, where Anthony, alongside the Sprague brothers, signed the “Selectmen Government Agreement” in February 1634/5.

The family soon moved to Hingham in 1636, receiving a plot of land. Anthony quickly became a prominent figure, representing Hingham in the general court and engaging in community leadership. His military experience in England translated well into his role in New England, where he was appointed Lieutenant in the Hingham Train Band and later Captain. He was actively involved in the defense and development of the town, from signing the charter for the 'Military Company of Massachusetts' in 1638 to operating the first Corn Mill in Hingham in 1643.

In 1645, Anthony was central to a controversial incident in Hingham, leading to community divisions and even affecting the political climate in Boston. Despite this, he continued his service, moving to Marshfield Hills in Plymouth Colony in 1651, where he purchased land and became a respected member of the community. He served as a deputy to the general court and was involved in significant projects like demarcating the boundary between Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth Colonies.

Capt. Anthony Eames' dedication to public service was recognized in 1659 when he petitioned for compensation for his efforts in running the boundary line, a request that was honored by the Massachusetts Bay Legislature.

Margery, his steadfast companion, passed away in 1662 in Marshfield. Anthony lived until 1686, reaching the age of 91. 
EAMES, Anthony Capt (I3466)
435 Capt. Edward Johnson, Woburn, Mass & Descendants
By Marta Johns(t)on PattersonNovember 13, 2005 at 09:39:13

Capt. Edward Johnson
Author of the celebrated history of New England, Called the "Wonderworking Providence," was baptized in Canterbury, County Kent, England, Sept. 16 or 17, 1598, and died in Woburn, Apr. 23, 1672. His father was William Johnson.

1.Feb. 17, 1593-4, Matthew, son of William
2.22d of ---, 1594, George, son of William
3.Jan. 18, 1595-6, George , son of William
4.Sept. 16 or 17, 1598, Edard, son of William
5.Sept. 6, 1601, Elizabeth, dau. of William, bur. 14th.
6.Aug. 8, 1602, Thomas, son o fWilliam
7.March 18, 1602-3, Daniel and Bartholomew, son of William

Apr. 10, 1604, is noted the burial of Susan, wife of William Johns. Under Aug. 25, 1617, I found noted a license for William Johnnson, of St. Geroge's, Canterbury, joiner, and Ann Cobb, widow and their marriage noted under August 24. Sept 27,

Page 3

Sorry, I missed coping page 4-5, I will do so next vist to the library.

Page 6

3. GEORGE JOHNSON(Capt. Edward), baptized Apr. 3, 1625, in Canterbury, England, married Katherine---, who survived him. He died in Somerset County, Maryland, in 1681.

a.Daughter Katherine

4. WILLIAM JOHNSON(Capt. Edward), baptized Mar. 22, 1628-9, in Canterbury, England, married, May 16, 1655, Esther, or Hester, daughter of Elder Thomas Wiswall of Dorchester and Newton. She died Dec. 27, 1707. He died May 22, 1704. He attained to high civic office, was one of the magistrates or assistants of the Colony, and a military officer of the several ranks from ensign to major.

a. William, b. 2/26/1656
b. Edward, b. 3/19/1658
c. Ebenezer, b. 3/29/1660
d. Esther, b. 4/13/1662; m. 12/17/1685, Lieut. Seth Wyman;d. 3/31/1742.
e. Joseph, b. 6/14/1664
f. Benjmain, b. 10/15/1666
g. Josiah, b. 1/15/1669
h. Susanna, b. 6/29/1671; m. 6/6/1704, Daniel Reed, as his second wife.
i. Abigail, b. 10/4/1674; m. 6/14/1705, Samuel Pierce

5. MATTHEW JOHNSON(Capt. Edward), baptized Mar. 30, 1633, in Canterbury, England, married first, Nov. 12, 1656, Hannah, daughter of Peter Palfrey of Salem and Reading, who died Aug. 1, 1662; and married second, Oct. 23, 1662, Rebecca, daughter of Elder John Wiswall of Boston, who died Dec. 25, 1709. He was a sergeant and lieutenant in Woburn. He died July 19, 1696, aged 62.

a. Rebecca, b. 3/1/1665; m. 1692, Samuel Wyman
b. Matthew, b. 3/18/1667
c. Hannah, b. 4/23/1669; m. Samuel Simonds
d. Samuel b. 4/28/1672
e. Ruth, b. 1/1/1675; m. 1/10/1697, John Reed
f. Sarah, b. 4/14/1677; m. 1/17,1699-1700, Daniel Reed; d. 1703.
g. Lydia, m. Sanuel Blogget
h. Henry, b. 4/7/1683.

6. JOHN JOHNSON (Capt. Edward)was baptized May 10, 1635, in Canterbury, England, and died in Canterbury, Conn. He married,

Page 7

April 26, 1657, Bethia, daughter of William and Mabel Reed. She died in Canterbury, Conn., about 1718.

a. John, b. 1/24/1659; m. Mary, daug. of William Carley of Lexington.
b. Bethia, b. 1/20/1660; m. (1) Jonathan Knight of Cambridge; (2)---Woolcott, of Cambridge, 1697.
c. William, b. 9/29/1662; of Canterbury, Conn.
d. Obadiah, b. 6/15/1664; of Canterbury, Conn.
e. Joseph, b. about 1666
f. Samuel, b. 10/29/1670
g. Nathaniel, b. 5/15, 1673.

7. WILLIAM JOHNSON (Maj. William, Capt. Edward)born Mar. 19, 1658, married first, Jan. 12 1687, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Reed) Walker, wo died May 31, 1704; and married second, Abigail (Gardner) Thompson, widow of James Thompson and daughter of Richard and Anna (Blanchard) Gardner. He was an ensign, lieutenant, and captain of a Woburn military company, between 1693 and 1724. He died Aug. 7, 1725, in Woburn.

Children by first wife:
a. Edward, b. 10/12,1687; d. 1/3/1688
b. Edward, b. 5/4/1689
c. Sarah, m. (1) John Simonds; (2) Samuel Richardson
d. Esther, b. 1/26/1694; m. 1716, John Stearns of Billerica
e. Samuel, b. 2/21/1696
f. Abigail, m. 12/11/171, Timothy Richardson
g. Susanna, b. 1/14/1701; m. 5/23/1722, Samuel Jones; resided in Wilmington and Marlborough.
h. Ichabod, b. 4/22/1703; killed 5/8/1725, in Lovewell's Fight. Of six Woburn men in Lovewell's company, one was killed and three were wounded.

Children by second wife:
a. Elizabeth, b. 11/6/1705; m. 1/1/1723, Joseph Winn. Resided at Nottingham West, N.H.
b. Joseph, b. 6/22/1708.

9. EBENEZER JOHNSON (Maj. William, Capt. Edward), b. March 29, 1660, married, Apr. 13, 1691, Sarah, daughter of Ensign Joseph and Rebecca (Reed) Winn of Woburn. She died Oct. 23, 1733. He was a sergeant. He died March 17, 1737.

a. Ebenezer, b. 4/11/1692; d. 4/14/1692
b. Sarah, b. 9/28/1693
c. Abigail, b. 6/13/1697; m. (1) 1/24/1717, Oliver Farmer of Billerica; (2) 5/27/1766, Capt. James Lane of Bedford;d. 2/25/1773, a. 75.
d. Ebenezer, b. 9/7/1699
e. William, b. 9/7/1699; d. 2/11/1708
f. Joseph, b. 2/9/1702
g. Timothy, b. 7/15/1705
h. Rebecca, d. 12/10/1739, aged about 31 years (gravestone)
i. William

10. BENJAMIN JOHNSON (Maj. William, Capt. Edward), born Oct. 15, 1666, married, Nov. 22, 1699, Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Wyman)Walker of Billerica. He died Apr. 22, 1733; and she died Jan. 17, 1749. He was known as sergeant from 1700 to the time of his death.

a. Benjmain, b. 10/8/1700
b. Josiah, b.7/28/1702;m. Elizabeth---;resided in Billerica
c. Seth, b. 4/23/1707
d. Sarah, b. 3/19/1709; m. David Comee of Lexington
e. Hannah, b. 9/7/1710
f. Esther, b. 2/2/1715; m. 10/21/1736, John Wood

11. JOSIAH JOHNSON(Maj. William, Capt. Edward), born Jan. 15, 1669, married first, Jan. 24, 1706, Martha Whitmore of Medford, who died Aug. 25, 1716, aged 30; and married second, Deborah (Fifield) Jackson, widow of Lieut. John Jackson of Cambridge and daughter of Giles and Judith (Carter-Converse) Fifield of Charlestown. She died Feb. 5, 1724; and he died Dec. 16, 1739.

Children from first wife:
Martha, b. 11/3/1706; m. Gershom Flagg
b. Abigail, b. 4/4/1708; m. 7/24/1728, Zurishaddai Pierce
c. Josiah, b. 2/24/1710
d. Francis, b. 2/13/1712
e. Hannah, b. 8/19/1716; m. 11/16/1743, Benjamin Tufts of Medford; d. 2/2/1796, aged 80.

Child by second wife:
a. Giles, b. 4/12/1718

12. MATTHEW JOHNSON (Lieut. Matthew, Capt. Edward), born Mar. 18, 1667, married first, Dec. 12, 1695, Mary, daughter of George and Hannah (Rockwell) Reed of Woburn, who died Oct. 4, 1703; married second, Nov. 30, 1704, Alice Ward, who died July 31, 1727; and married third, Hannah, daughter of John Trask of Beverly. He died Aug. 8, 1740. His will, dated June 3, 1737, probated Sept. 1, 1740, mentions wife Hannah; daughters, Mary Knight, Hannah Cooper, and Sarah Blogget; and grandson Matthew Johnson. His widown Hannah was executrix, with the assistance of her brother Nathaniel Trask of Lexington.

a. Mary, b. 9/12/1696; m. 11/1717, Ebenezer Knight
b. Hannah, b. 11/28/1699; m. (1) 10/21/1725, John Cooper of Cambridge; (2) int. 9/30/1738, Benjamin Crackbone.
c. Matthew, b. 9/3/1702
d. Sarah, b. 9/15/1703; m. 5/14/1722, John Blogget

13. SAMUEL JOHNSON(Lieut. Matthew, Capt. Edward), born Apr. 28, 1672, married Mary ---. He removed to Lancaster, where he died about 1740.

a. Samuel, b. 7/7/1705; of Dorchester; was admr. of estate of his father, Samuel Johnson of Lancaster, in 1740. It was probably he who m. Mary Snow, in Lancaster, July 25, 1734. On Mar. 5, 1739, he, then of Boston, calling himself a soldier, conveys land in Lancaster to Daniel Johnson (his brother) of Boston, Tailor. He m. Aug. 16, 1739, Rebecca Niles of Dorchester, and had a son Henry, b. in Dorchester, 9/6/1740, who is mentioned in the will of Henry Johnson. IN 1740 and 1741, Samuel Johnson of Dorchester, Mary Johnson of Scituate, Daniel Johnson of Lancaster, Joshua Johnson of Lancaster, and Mary Johnson of Lancaster, widow of Samuel, convey land in Lancaster to Eleazer Flagg, of Boston, Retailer.
b. Mary, b. 1/8/1707; of Scitnate, Mass., in 1740
c. Daniel, b. 9/20/1708; of Boston and Lancaster
d. Joshua, b. 4/17/1712; of Lancaster
e. Elizabeth, b. 12/20/1717; not living in 1740

14. HENRY JOHNSON(Lieut. Matthew, Capt. Edward, born Apr. 7, 1683, died in 1754.

15. WILLIAM JOHNSON(William, Maj. William, Capt. Edward), born 8/28/1686, married first, Jan. 1, 1708, Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah (Greenleaf) Dole of Newbury, who died Oct. 14, 1710, aged 29, in Woburn; and married second, Hannah, daughter of Joseph and REbecca (Patten) Davis of Billerica (Middx.Co. Prob., Vol. 25, p. 156). He removed with his family from Woburn to Mansfield, Conn., where he died Feb. 29, 1752.

Children from first wife:
a. Sarah, b. 5/3/1709; m. John Noyes of Newbury
b. Dole, b. 9/30/1710; m. 1/26/1748, Abigail Freeman; resided in Mansfield, Conn.

Children from second wife:
a. William, b. 3/27/1718; m. 1/26/1748, Abigail Freeman; resided in Mansfield, Conn.
b. Hannah, b. 3/31/1719
c. Joseph, b. 4/28/1720; m. Abigail Slafter; resided in Mansfield, Conn.
d. Enoch, b. 9/16/1721
e. Rebecca, b. 4/8/1723; m. as his third wife, PrinceFreeman of Mansfield, Conn.
f. Hezekiah, b. 5/12/1724; m. Dorothy Slafter of Mansfield, Conn.; d. at Norwich, Vt.

Pages 3,6,7,8,9,10,11,
Captain Edward Johnson
of Woburn, Massachusetts
and some of His descendants
By Edward Francis Johnson
Press of David Clapp & Son
JOHNSON, Edward (I9861)
436 Capt. Jonathan Alden was the youngest son of the Pilgrim,
John Alden, and was born about 1627. He lived on the
paternal domain, and was much employed in the civil atfairs
of the town, and a selectman for several years He was much
respected and honored by his townsmen, and inherited the
virtues of his father. He was admitted a freeman in 1657,
and chosen ensign of the company in 167i, afterwards lieutenant,
and then captain, and continued in this capacity until
his death, which occurred in February, 1697. He was buried
under arms on the 17th, when an Address was delivered at
the grave by Rev. Mr. VViswall, from which these passages
are selected, - Alden' s Epitaphs.
" .Neighbours and friends, we are assembled this day in a
posture of mourning, to solemnize the funeral of the present
deceased, to pay our last tribute of respect to a person well
known among us. I need not enlarge upon his character, but,
in brief, am bold to say thus much. He stepped over his
youth, without the usual stains of vanity. In his riper years
he approved himself a good Commonwealth's man ; and, which
is the crown of all, a sincere Christian, one whose heart was
in the house of God, even when his body was barred hence by
the restraints of many difficulties, which confined him at home.
He could say, in truth. Lord, I have loved the habitation of
thy house. He earnestly desired the enlargement of Jerusalem,
and inwardly lamented that the ways to Zion did mourn,
because so few did flock to her solemn feasts ; but is now
united to that general assembly, where is no more cause of
sorrow on that account.
" As to his quality in our militia, he was a leader, and I
dare say rather loved than feared of his company.
'• Fellow Soldiers, you are come to lay your leader in the
dust, to lodge him in his quiet and solemn repose. You are
no more to follow him in the field. No sound of rallying drum,
nor shrillest trumpet will awaken him, till the general muster,
when the Son of God will cause that trumpet to be blown,
whose echoes shall shake the foundations of the heavens and
the earth, and raise the dead.
" Fellow Soldiers, you have followed him into the field, appeared
in your arms, stood your ground, marched, countermarched,
made ready, advanced, fired, and retreated ; and all
at his command. You have been conformable to his millpdc
tary commands and postures, and it is to your credit. But,
let me tell you, this day he has acted one posture before your
eyes, and your are all at a stand! No man stirs a foot after
him ! But the day is hastening, wherein you must all conform
to his present posture,- I mean, be laid in the dust."
Mr. Wiswall, after olfering various solemn exhortations,
with scriptural quotations, concluded his address thus :-
" Fellow !:5oldiers ; Oh ! consider how dreadful it will prove,
if, after you have with a matchless bravery of spirit acted the
part of soldiers on earth, you should in the mean time forget
your Christian armor and discipline, and bo numbered among
those mentioned in Ezek. xxxii. 2(), 27, who, having been the
terror of the mighty in the land of the living, yet went down
to hell with their weapons of war, their iniquities remaining
upon their bones! which that you may all escape, follow your
deceased leader, as he followed Christ; and then though death
may for a short space of time tyrannize over your frail bodies
in the grave, yet you shall rise with him in triumph, when
the great trumpet shall sound, and appear listed in the nmster
roll of tlie Prince of the earth, the Captain of our eternal salvation."ommons@ 
ALDEN, Jonathan (I554)
437 Capt. Samuel, brother of Thomas, was Commissioner of the Court in 1667; he erected mills in the east part of Chelmsford, near where Lowell now is. He had 150 acres of land granted him July 3, 1656, and exclusive right to erect and run a sawmill, provided he Avould sell boards at three shillings per 100 ; -and another grant of 100 acres, and right to build and run a grist or cornmill, provided he would keep a sufficient mill and miller. ADAMS, Captain Samuel (I281)
438 Captured and killed by Huron and Iroquois raiders. CARON, Marie (I11379)
439 Captured by the Iroquois and held as prisoner. A letter from a fellow captive noted that Joseph had been wounded in the arm and shoulder, but he was later tortured and stabbed to death by a drunken warrior. HEBERT, Joseph (I13198)
440 Carolyn was a single waitress living with her mother in 1930. PINKHAM, Carolyn (I1011)
441 Carsten was referred to as "a farmer of Springfield, Maine" for a while. He has a footstone with his large stone in Newington. Also there are two markers, one a "US Veteran" and one a "Post 1 GAR". His obit in the Portsmouth Journal calls him a "late yeoman on the US Steamer Kearsage."

The 1864 Portsmouth Directory shows that Carsten had a house on Dennett St. He was not in the 1860/61 directory nor the 1867 one. Neither was his wife. A Thomas H. De Wit posted bond as sureties of his estate 12 Sept. 1865. According to the 1900, 1910 and 1920 censuses, his daughter Sarah J Shannon claimed that her mother was born in British Guiana but that her father was born in New York. He was not.

Carsten was an accountant in the 1860 Portsmouth, New Hampshire census:

Carstine Dewit 52, accountant,born Demerara
Anne E 43, born Demerara
George Brown 20, farm laborer, born Demerara
Thomas H Dewit 13, born New Hampshire
Sarah J 9, born Maine
Leonard O 6, born Maine
Anna Maria 4, born Maine

Carstin's marriage to Anna is also recorded in Portsmouth.
DEWIT, Carsten Bartholomew (I1288)
442 Cascumpec, Prince Edward Island, Canada AUCOIN, Jean Charles (I6491)
443 Castle Groby GREY, 1st Marquess of Dorset; 1st Earl of Huntingdon; 7th Baron Ferrers of Groby Thomas (I9204)
444 Castle St Cler, , Normandy, France Family: NORMANDY, Rollo I Robert the Dane / NORMANDY, Poppa de Bayeux de Senlis de (F170)
445 Castleroad, Mayo MORAN, Mary (I613)
446 Catherine was supposedly of Lawrence, Massachusetts but at the time of her marriage, she was of Sanford, Maine according to the records of Olive F Hoyt. STORER, Catherine (I1933)
447 Cattle precipitated the events of August 11, 1676 but probably provided only the immediate circumstance. On the 9th, neighboring Indians killed one of Anthony Brackett's cows. The circumstances are now unknown, but surely the Indians were making a point. Brackett was promised assistance in finding the culprits by an Indian named Simon whom, as historian William Willis' writes, "insinuated himself into his (Brackett's) confidence". This Simon turned out to be the Yankee Killer from Metacomet's army. He had recently escaped from Dover prison where he was held for murders committed during the previous summer. Simon is said to have had a "counterfeit pass". It is unlikely the Casco settlers knew any of this, but they were suspicious enough to send a report to Major Waldron at Dover. Travel was difficult, and communications were bad.

Simon promised to bring the cattle slayers to Brackett, and he did. Very early on the morning of the 12th, Simon arrived with a war party whom he said killed the cow. Hardly contrite, the Indians ransacked the house and confiscated all the guns. Brackett asked the meaning of all this; he must have been stunned as it was obvious what was happening. Simon reputedly replied, "So it must be." Certainly it must, if the Indians were to reassert some control over their homelands.

Brackett and his family were given the choice of submission to their captors or death. Ann Brackett's brother, Nathaniel Mitton, was visiting at the time. Mitton was unmarried and possibly quite a young man which might explain what happened next. He "offered some resistance" and was immediately killed. Certainly, this example provided the Brackett's with adequate incentive for submissive behavior. The two parents, five children and a Negro slave were bound together and carried off into captivity. 
MITTON, Nathaniel (I8828)
448 Cause of death: Endocarditis and nephritis ELLIS, Oscar J (I16873)
449 Cause of death: Notre Dame Hospital GILBERT, Edward (I166)
450 Celebrated as one of the first great builders of medieval castles. He constructed an estimated 100 of them, along with abbeys, across the Loire Valley in what is now France. He fought successive wars with neighbors in Brittany, Blois, Poitou and Aquitaine and traveled four times to Jerusalem on pilgrimage during the course of his life. Fulk was a natural horseman and a fearsome warrior, with a keen sense of military strategy that saw him get the better of most of his opponents. Fulk was also a devout Christian, and built, enlarged or endowed several abbeys and monasteries, such as the Abbey of Beaulieu-les-Loches, Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, Saint-Aubin, and a convent, Notre Dame de la Charité at Ronceray in Angers. Although he never learned to write, he endowed a school with revenue to provide poor students with an education. Fulk also undertook four pilgrimages to Jerusalem. ANJOU, Fulk III of (I7345)

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