Walter FitzRobert, 2nd Lord of Dunmow Castle, who in the controversy between the Earl of Moreton, brother of Richard I, and the Bishop of Ely, Walter adhered to the Bishop, and was given custody of the Castle of Eye in Suffolk. He married 1st Maud, died 1140, daughter of Richard Lucie, and with her had the lordship of Disce in Norfolk. Married 2nd Margaret de Bohun and dying in 1198 was succeeded by his eldest son, Robert.

Walter FitzRobert, in the 12th of Henry II, upon the assessment in aid of marrying the king's dau., certified his knights' fees to be in number sixty-three and a half, de Veteri feoffamento; and three and a fourth part, de Novo, for all of which he paid £44. 10s. In the great controversy between John, Earl of Moreton, (brother of King Richard,) and William de Longcamp, bishop of Ely, whom the king left governor of the realm during his absence in the Holy Land, this Walter adhered to the bishop and had, at that time, custody of the castle of Eye, in Suffolk. He m. 1st, Margaret de Bohun, who d. in 1146; and 2ndly in 1148, Maud de Lucy, with whom he had the lordship of Dis, in Norfolk, and by whom he left at his decease, 1198, a son, Robert FitzWalter. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 212, FitzWalter, Barons FitzWalter]