Nicholas Byram of Bridgewater made his will 13 January 1987. Bequests were as follows: "I ratifie  unto my brother John Shaw (brother in law)of Weymouth my whole interest in the North addition which was granted by the Court to Bridgwater Town & on lot of Meadow in a place called Poor Meadow joyning the Meadow of William Brett which he hath possessed several yeares.

"to each of my children what land I formerly gave unto them"

"the rest of my estate I give unto wife Susana"

I leave my aforesaid wife Susana sole Executrix"

The witnesses were Samuel Allen, Sr.,William Brett and John Whitman. The executrix present the will at the court  13 June 1688 and it was probated on the testimony of Samuel Allen, Sr and William Brett.

Nicholas Byrams Inventory...The inventory of Nicholas Byran of Bridgwater who deseaced the thirteenth day of April 1688 was taken by his wife Susana Byram who signed by a mark. It was witnessed by Samuel Allen Sr and william Brett. Susana Byram the wife of Nicholas Byram deceased made oath to the inventory 16 June 1688 before John Willis Sr. by Dedemus Postestatem Directed to the abovesd John Wallice from the inferiour Court of Comon Pleas held at Plymouth 13 June 1688 the said John Willis was impowered to adminester the oath abovesd to the abovesd Susana Byram.   Murky Waters!


If Abigail byram is a correct child for these two, she could not have been born much less than 1638 to have married in 1656 to Whitman and there is a vital record to support the marriage. Martha was only about 6 years old in 1638. Grace however would be about 16-18 and thus a possible mother for Abigail. Did she die in the same year as or at the birth of Abigail. Nor do we know when Grace died nor how many if any of his children were by this marriage. Susanna is not the child of Abraham or at least is not mentioned in his will or in English parish records. The relationship with Abraham is close, as Nicholas is witness to his will in 1638 at which time Grace is not mentioned among his four living children. Only John, Joseph, Mary and Martha are included by mention. Nicholas is later involved with the death papers of Joseph Shaw.

Nicholas Byram bought John glover house and land 5th/8th mo 1647. Savage says he was a physician. He held all the town offices in 1660 he bought proprietary rights in Bridgwater and removed there in 1662. He was a councelor follwoing written so as to fill the whole page. Nicholas Byram Senior left this world for better April 13 1688. His widow Martha died 1698. She was a daughter of Abraham 1st Shaw of Dedham. They had five children who have a multitude of decendants.

A footnote of Abraham Shaws will is noted that Nicholas was of Weymouth, 1638 removed to Bridgewater and died in 1687 leaving one son NIcholas.Another abstract of Josephs estate Nicholas Byrome is among those taking inventroy and appraisal. Mary Blake late wife to Joseph Shaw deposed 2 Feb 1653.

The inventory of Nicholas Byram of Bridgewater who deceased the 13 April 1686 was taken by his wife Susana Byram who signed by mark.It was witnessed by Samuel Allen sr and William Brett. Susana Byram the wife of Nicholas Byram deceased made oath to administer the oath abovesd to the abovesd Susan Byram.

On 7 December 1689 John shaw Sr of the town of Weymouth in Massachusetts Colony for a valuable consideration to him in hand paid by Nicholas Byram of Bridgwater in the colon of New Plymouth sold to said Byram one five and thirtieth part of a tract of land bounded southerly with Plymouth line westerly with Bridgwater line easterly from Jones Rive Pond to Indian head river notherly with Bridgwater line as it is recorded in the court of records in which tract of land there is a Sedar Swamp divided into seven lots or parts in every lot or part there is five shares of which swamp the aforesaid John Shaw do conveigh a fifth part of the seventh lot or part unto the aforesaid Nicholas Byram. The witnesses were Abiah French and Sephen French. The deed was acknowledged 7 Feb 1689/90 before John Smith, Assistant and recorde 28 May 1690/

On 13 December 1660 Moses Simons of duxburrow with the consent of my wife Sarah for the valuable consideration sold to Nicholas Byram of Weymouth in Massachusetts Colony my whole right of lands in Bridwater town a full purchase of uplands meadows and swamps that is or shall be layed out or divided or shall remain common. Moses Simons signed by a mark. The witnesses were John Alden adn Philip Delano. (my mark)