From "The History of Woburn, Middlesex County, Mass.", p. 71., found online at


The three Richardsons, -- Ezekiel, Thomas, and Samuel, -- were brothers, born in England, and for some time after their arrival were in this country, resident in Charlestown, where they had children born to them.  Ezekiel, who was probably the eldest, was early admitted into First church, Boston, which was gathered at Charlestown in 1630.  From this church, he was dismissed October 14, 1632, with his wife Susanna and thirty-three others, and was embodied with them, November 2, 1632, into a distinct church at Charlestown, now the First Church in that place.  His brothers, Thomas and Samuel, were both admitted as members of Charlestown Church, February 18, 163-8, and they were all three dismissed from it, June 1642, to help form the church at Woburn.  Upon their removal to Woburn, they lived near each other in the same street, which, from its having been the place of their residence, and of many of their posterity, has been known, from time immemorial, as Richardson's Row.


They were members of Woburn church at its foundation; men highly respected in their day, and much employed in the business of the town.  Their descendants bearing the name of Richardson, long have been, and still are more numerous, than persons of any other name in Woburn; and among them have been found some of the most valued members of the church and citizens of the place.  Ezekiel died October 21, 1647; Thomas, August 28, 1651; and Samuel, March 23, 1657-8.