For those of you who have confused Deacon Nicholas Phillips of
Dedham/Weymouth second/first marriage to Hannah Salter; please read the
following. For those of you who have an interest in the Genealogy of
Deacon Nicholas Phillips and his many descendants, go here>>

Here is the info than provides proof that there was no marriage of Hannah
Salter and Deacon Nicholas Phillips

Nicholas Phillips of Boston, his marriage

Source for the following are from the NEGHS files

"Theopolhilus Salter, son of George, was a resident of Ipswich, Mass. In
1648; and his sister, baptized ANNE, married in Boston as "HANNAH", Dec. 4,
1651 Nicholas Phillips."

(My note: note to be confused with Deacon Nicholas Phillips of Dedham then

"George Salter of Dedham, Essex, grazier, in his will proved 18 July 1654,
mentions his daughters, Abigail and HANNAH, in New England; and speaks of
them as both married and if the either had no children, the share was to go
one half to the other and half to his son Theophilus."

Source: N. E. Historical Register, xiviii., 128)

"Theophilus Salter was in Ipswich in 1648, and without doubt, his sisters
came with or arrived shortly after. Nicholas Phillips (my note: not Deacon
Nicholas Phillips) of Boston, shopkeeper, married 4 Dec. 1651, HANNAH

Source: Walter K. Watkins, Malden, Ma.

"Nicholas and HANNAH (Salter) Phillips had three children thus named, who,
with their sister Sarah, were all baptized together 6 Mar. 1666.

Source: Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1630 - 1699, page

"Thomas Pemberton of Boston, Barber Chyrugeon [my note: surgeon, a barber
who lets blood] and Hannah his wife, one of the daughters of Nicholas
Phillips (my note: not Deacon Nicholas Phillips) late of Boston, Victualler,
dec'd; Christopher Goffe of Boston, mariner, and Abigail his wife, one other
of the dec'd (my note: Nicholas Phillips, not Deacon Nicholas Phillips)
daughters; and Thomas Phillips of Boston, Taylor [my note: his trade] son of
said dec'd (my note: Nicholas Phillips, not Deacon Nicholas Phillips) and
Mary (Howard) his wife sell to Thomas Grosse of the same Boston,
shopkeeper, a piece or parcel of land on part of which standeth the tenement
or dwelling of him (my note: Nicholas Phillips, not Deacon Nicholas
Phillips), said Gross, on Conduit Street (later Ann Street now North Street)

"Lastly, John Ruggles, victuler, and HANNAH his present wife, heretofore,
the relict widow of the sd. Nicholas Phillips (my note: not Deacon Nicholas
Phillips) and mother of his aforesaid surviving children, agree and
consent. Though dated 10 Feb 1692, this deed was not recorded till 2 Dec
1709. This is the land referred to in Suffolk Court Files, 4404, 22 Dec
1697, not recorded till 2 Dec. 1709

Source: Suffolk Deeds, lib 24, fol 261

Abigail Phillips born 1662 married (1) about 1687 Christopher Goffe who died
1 May 1699; she married (2) 28 (ct. 1699 (ib) Samuel Wentworth (Samuel [2]
William [1] born 1666.

Source: Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1630 - 1699, page 252

The line of HANNAH Salter (my note: not Slater, Slather or any of those
bastardized names that have been dreamt up) can be traced back through her
mother, for five generations

Source: NEGHS Register Vol. 57

"Nicholas Phillips was married to Hannah Salter the 4 : 10 : 51
Preacher Richard Bellingham Esq."

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 222

"Witnesses to Thomas Harris will John Smith and Sarah Phillips, the latter
signing by mark. A Nicholas Phillips married in 1651 Hannah Salter and had
Sarah 1665"

Source: Harrises of Boston Before 1700

"Elizabeth dau of Nicholas and Hannah borne 24 Feb. 1652

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 251

"Hannah dau of Nicholas and Hannah borne 25 Nov. 1654

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 254

"Nicholas Phillips sonne of Nicholas and Hannah Phillips borne 26 Feb. 1656

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 68

"Nicholas sonne of Nicholas and Hannah dyd 1 : 6 : 57

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 221

"Nicholas ye sonne of Nicholas Phillips & Hannah his wife borne 12th May

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 137

"Nicholas ye sonne of Nicholas Phillips & of Hannah his wife deceased 18th
Aug. 1661

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 330

Abigail ye Daughter of Nicholas Phillips & of Hannh his wife borne 20th Feb.

Source: Early Records of Boston Page 47

For additional info on this common mistake go to this page within the above
listed web site>

Hope this clears up the many genealogies that reside on the net with the
incorrect marriage
