Fr:  Brewster's Rambles About Portsmouth, Vol I, #11By Charles W. Brewster, published 1858. (edited here for length, by erika415)

Editors Note:  C.W. Brewster was a Portsmouth columnist in the mid-1800's. This article includes his opinions and may not reflect current research or values. -- JDR 

        .... It was on the 26th of June 1696, that the Indians made their way to this very spot (in the Plains), after their fearful predatory incursions on Dover....  [Geneologists Cotton Mather and Belknap refer to the event in short paragraphs. Adams in his Annals also records the incident in a single page. The following account has been collected from history, old manuscripts and traditions, and is the fullest ever published.]       

.... In the afternoon previous to the Indians commencing their attack on the people and property of that vicinity, the clouds and chilled air portended rain. That night a thunderstorm occurred; the cattle came frightened from the woods, and at an unusually early hour sought refuge around their owners' homes. Dover having suffered from the murdering hands of the treacherous Indians before the thinly settled neighborhood of the Plains had constant foreboding that they might soon be subject to like incursions.  

      ....When the cattle and sheep on the day before the attack hurried to the yards, their frightened appearance caused much talk and alarm among the villagers; and although they suspected and even believed that their herds had fled from Indians they had seen, yet, not conceiving danger to be so nearly awaiting them, they sought repose in their habitations for one night longer. The people awoke at early dawn from their slumber and were greeted with the light of their burning barns. The Indians then sounded their warhoop, turned their havoc to the houses, rushed upon the inmates, and seized such valuable property as could be made portable with them. Such of the women and children as could flee, made their way toward the garrison-house; while the sick and infirm could at farthest only absent themselves from their homes to some near retired spot.  The men fought the Indians with such implements as came nearest at hand, till contest became useless. The enemy over powered them in numbers, then burned their houses and inflicted personal cruelties on all within their reach.

     ....The men, when fully repelled from their desperate struggle, fled for the garrison to take fire-arms and swords; expecting there to find secure their wives and little ones. The Indians knowing the direction to be taken by those who would seek garrison protection, intercepted their course, and early lay in ambush to meet those passing by.  By this means, solitary individuals were taken prisoners. Some were maimed, some killed and others secured and carried off.  But those who sought the garrison in company passed on without interruption.  The garrison-house is said to have been located about north of the present site of the school-house, in the field between the barn of Mrs. Joseph Sherburne and the elevation on the east. A cellar and well are yet visible in the field not far east from the orchard. When they had armed themselves for meeting the Indians on return, none were to be seen. The dead and the wounded were found in the pathways and around the houses. 

     The person named by Mr Belknap as being scalped, was Mary (Sloper) Brewster, born Feb.11,1663, (daughter of Richard Sloper) wife of John Brewster, Jr.,who was the grandson of Wrestling Brewster* and great-grandson of Elder Wm. Brewster of Mayflower memory. The cellar of that house from which Mr. and Mrs. Brewster and their family were driven by the Indians, in this memorable scene, is to this time (1840) plainly discernible. It is a short distance south-easterly of the brick school-house on the Plains, situated on the northerly side of the discontinued old road which formerly led from the cattle pound to the Plains.... 

     *Since the first edition was printed, research of Gov. Bradford's Plymouth Colony Journal, reveals that Wrestling Brewster died young and unmarried; the name of John Brewster first appeared in this town's records about 1670.  Where he came from or what his connection was with Elder Brewster cannot be definitively ascertained. He was possibly a grandson. 

    ....When Mrs. Brewster was met by her friends, she was about mid-distance between her house and the garrison, being but a few rods east of the present school-house. She was taken up for dead. Her scalp was entirely removed from her head, and she was deeply wounded by a tomahawk. She became a mother shortly after, and fully recovered her health. The fracture made in the cranium by the tomahawk, was closed by a silver plate (literally a plate from her silver service), and her loss of hair was supplied by an artificial substitute (a horse hair wig). She was afterwards the mother of four sons, and lived till Sept. 22, 1744, then departed this life, aged 81y., 7m., 11dThe Brewster family in New Hampshire descended from this lady. This date is taken from a relief inscription of a beautifully enameled gold finger ring**, which was made for and given at the obsequies of her interment. It was owned by Gov. John Langdon, to whose mother the ring was originally given.  Gov. Langdon. presented the ring to a member of the Brewster family.     

   **Note:  the authenticity of said "finger ring" is under serious question.  Although Brewster's earlier stories from Rambles I are considered mostly informative & reliable, suspicion and doubt surround "the ring" due to his later falsities & forgeries. A different account says Gov Langdon gave said ring to Geo. Washington )

       Of dwelling-houses burned there were five, and nine barns. Capt. John Sherburne's loss by the fires exceeded that of any other individual. Two barns, well built, stocked with cattle, hogs and one horse, together with grain and hay, were entirely destroyed.

      When news was sent from the plains to the (Strawberry) Bank, the name by which the commercial part of Portsmouth was then known, Capt. Shackford rallied his military company, and the orders to the soldiers were that they proceed to a large rock which was then and ... ever afterwards called " VALOR ROCK." The company was there organized, and proceeded in pursuit of the enemy.      

     The Indians, about fifty in number, were observed in their canoes passing up the Piscataqua a day or two previous to their assault at the Plains. . . . but later the savages moved their canoes in the night time, (unperceived in the town,) carried them down the river to Sandy Beach and secreted them in bushes (to misdirect their escape route).  

      Capt. Shackford pursued in the course supposed to have been taken by the Indians. Their direction was through Great Swamp, in a course for Rye. About four miles distant from the Plains the military company discovered the incendiaries with their plunder and captives; the four prisoners whom they had captured being placed in a position to receive the first effect of a discharge of guns should a military force appear for attack. The company rushed upon the ground, rescued the prisoners and re-took the plunder; but the enemy escaped and concealed themselves in the swamp till night, then in their canoes took their departure. One party was sent out in boat, which were arranged in a line to intercept the enemy in their passage to the eastward. This enterprise would have been successful had not the commander indiscreetly given too early orders to Fire. This caused the Indians to change their course, and thus make their escape by going outside of the Isles of Shoals.  

      When Capt. Shackford routed them at Breakfast-Hill and the boats in the river were way-laying them in their preparations to return eastward, it was discovered those who were seen going up the river toward Dover were but a small party and the whole number which were then making their escape was much larger. It was from the circumstance of the Indians and their captives being engaged in taking breakfast on the declivity of a hill near the bounds of Greenland and Rye, that the location was called BREAKFAST HILL; and has ever since been known by that name.


     The tribe to which these Indians belonged was not known by the populace; nor was it ever known what course they took for their homes after they arrived on the high seas. . . .      

     Those killed were:  Thomas Onion aged 74, Joseph Holmes 20, Hixon Foss 17, Peter Moe 40, James Jaffrey's child 4, John Jones 32, William Howard 30, Richard Parshley 25, Thomas Meloney 13, Samuel Foss, Jr. 14, Betsey Babb 14, Nancy White 8, William Cate, Jr 16, and Dinah, slave of John Brewster.

The wounded were:  Peggy Jones aged 76, William Cate's three children, and Daniel Jackson aged 41 and of course, Mary Sloper Brewster, 33.