Name: John Libby; Libbee; Lebby; Lyby; Lybby; Lebby; Liby Comment:


Richmond Island, was in the fishing company of John Winter from 15 Dec. 1636, to Feb. 13, 1639. Worked for him again 6 weeks in 1643. Some money was paid for him to Mr. John Sparke by Mr. Trelawney. He settled at Scarborough; bought land of Jocelyn 1 Jan. 1663. He suffered in the Indian war of 1676. He deposed July 10, 1677, ae. about 75 years, that he came to this country 47 years before; that his 4 sons had kept himself, his wife and 8 small children from want; but that the enemy had burned their houses and destroyed cattle and corn; that one of his four sons had lately been killed at Black Point, another wounded, had since died, and the other two were at B. P. He asked that the latter might be discharged from the garrison, having served there the extraordinary period of nine months. Signed "John Liby." The petition was granted, and Henry and Anthony released.

In his will, unsigned and undated, he beq. 5 shillings apiece to each of his children; 50 shillings each to the younger sons, Matthew and Daniel. The wife to have all the estate at her disposing, to maintain the children. Inventory taken 9 Feb. 1682; attested 5 May, 1683. [York De. V.]
