John Gurney, immigrant ancestor of the American family, born in England, September 29,1615, settled in Braintree, Massachusetts, and at the age of twenty-one, September 29, 1636, had three years more to serve. He was a tailor by trade. He died 1663. The inventory of his estate was dated March 16, 1663. (See N. E. Reg. XII, 53, see Winthrop II, 345).

He is then called John Sr., indicating that his son John is of age. His first wife died September 20, 1661 ; married (second), November 12, 1661, Grizzell Kibby, widow of Henry. She died in 1664. Gurney was in Braintree in 1646, when he signed a petition about the meadows; also February 12, 1661, when he sold land there. He doubtless lived there continuously. We know of but two children, from whom descend all the American families probably: i. John, Jr. 2. Richard, mentioned below.