Hébert Genealogy

Antoine and Étienne Hébert were brothers. However, the names of their parents are not known. Arsenault says, in the Port-Royal volume of Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens, that Antoine and Étienne Hébert were the sons of Jacques and Marie Juneau. However, the Corrections to Arsenault states that they are not the sons of this couple, giving no further information. Steve White also says that these were not their parents.

I am listing them each on his own page. Antoine arrived in Acadia in 1640, having married in France. This page contains 1194 people in 76K. All the Gaspesian Heberts are descended from Antoine. Étienne also arrived in 1640. His page contains 2079 people and is 127K long. Both brothers have descendants in Louisiana.

Descendants of the Acadian Héberts are now living mainly in Québec and Louisiana. For about 100 years, they were in Bonaventure, in the Gaspé, but this family either moved or died out before 1910.

If you have any information on the Hébert family, please take a look at the Hebert Problem Page to see if you can help with any of the Héberts we're looking for.