On 3 September 1674 "Henry Sherburne of Portsmouth, yeoman," deeded to his eldest son "Samuel Sherburne & Love his wife" a parcel of land in return for "their taking into custody & Christian keeping of the said Henry Sherburne's daughter Rebecca Sherburne (who is both dumb & wanting of understanding)" [NHPLR 3:97a-b].

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Ref:  Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Surnames, S-T, pg 629.  

Rebecca, dau. of Henry and Rebecca (Gibbons) Sherburne, b. 26 Apr 1654, deaf and dumb; had a court case ag. Peter Abbott* in 1681; she d. 29 June 1696, age 43Her father (Henry 1) gave land for her maintenance to his son Samuel who deeded it in 1685.


*Note:  This Peter Abbott is the eldest son of Walter & Sarah Abbott-->widowed in 1668, Sarah married widower Henry Sherburne in 1670.