• Anne: baptized on January 19th, 1626 in Mortagne, she was only eleven and a half when she
married Robert Drouin on July 12th, 1637
in Québec city. They had signed a marriage
contract a year before on July 26th, 1636 in the house of the Seigneur Robert Giffard. Jean
Guyon acting as a private notary wrote the contract. Robert Drouin was 28 years old at the
time. Living together would be out of question for a while because of Anne’s young age.
However, eligible women were so rare that Drouin did not want to risk not finding a wife.
The contract stipulated that the spouses would spend the first three years of their married life
under Zacharie’s roof. On the other hand, Zacharie and Sainte agreed to feed them during
that time. This was the first notarized act in Canada. Anne carried child six times and gave
birth for the first time at age 15; three of her babies were stillborn. She died at age 22 on
February 4th, 1648 and was buried the next day in Québec city. Robert Drouin married again
with the widow Marie Chapelier on November 29th, 1649 in Québec city and they had eight
other children. He died in Château-Richer on June 1st, 1685.