About Ebenezer White

This line is NOT directly related to William "Mayflower" White - they arrived 15 years later, at Weymouth.


I was born on November 25, 1648 in Weymouth, Massachusetts, the youngest child of Captain Thomas and Ann (Workman) White.

On June 2, 1671, at the age of 22, I married Hannah Phillips, the daughter of Nicholas and Hannah (Salter) Phillips. Hannah was born on November 25, 1654 in Weymouth and was 16.

Hannah's parents were married in Boston on December 4, 1651. Mr. Phillips was one of the first settlers from Old England and tradition will tell you that I built Nicholas Phillips a house.

I lived and died in Weymouth in the house afterwards occupied by my great great grandson, Deacon Abiel White, an accomplished cabinetmaker who was known for his furniture and clock cabinets. The place was not far from the dwelling of the Honorable Christopher C. Webb, a respected Weymouth lawyer.

I was very prominent in my church in Weymouth and was admitted a freeman in 1674. This was important because this status gave me full civil and political rights in the community, including the right to vote and hold office. I served as a town selectman and the townspeople considered me "a man of integrity and worth and a respected and useful citizen". No man could have kinder words bestowed upon him.

I was commissioned an officer in the Weymouth Company of militia in 1690. I served in the expedition to Canada against the French and Indians. This conflict came to be known as King William's War and took place from 1690 - 1691. I have been recognized for reaching both the rank of lieutenant (placed on my headstone) and captain.

I died on August 24, 1703 at the age of 55. My will was dated July 19, 1703 and an inventory of my property determined the value to be 955 pounds,10 shillings, and 6 pence.

Hannah and I had 9 children. I am including a brief description of each of them below:


Supporting Evidence

http://books.google.com/books?id=IV8hPxRANm8C&dq=%22samuel+white%22+weymouth&jtp=365 The Vinton Memorial

http://books.google.com/books?id=IV8hPxRANm8C&dq=%22samuel+white%22+weymouth&jtp=365 History and Genealogy of the White Familes in Weymouth and Braintree.

http://books.google.com/books?id=TUGHVUEbRBoC&dq=peregrine+white+freeman&jtp=313 A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England

http://books.google.com/books?id=2wjybwOT4HAC&dq=%22Ebenezer+White%22&jtp=392 The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register

  1. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 53 (Google eBook) New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1899 - New England. Vols. 37-52 (1883-98) include section: Genealogical gleanings in England, by H. F. Waters. Page 393
